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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

How'sYour Golf?

Dan Harris BHS '67 recently golfing with frineds in Costa Mesa.

Matt Kapko, Dan Harris, Rick Kapko and Adam Kapko at Mesa Verde Country Club.

~ Photo from Facebook ~

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Where Are They Now??

Remember Jay 'Chris' Peterson, BHS Class '67, Yell Leader? Emailed him to find out whatsup and received this wonderful update which he said I could share! Thanks Jay ~

Hi Cathy,

Your photography is wonderful. Sure helps to have a great subject and your sun sets and sun rises are just the thing. Hope all is well with you as we are doing great as retirees. Now that our home is complete we have time to do some sightseeing and traveling. Unfortunately I doubt we can make the reunion this year. I will be headed to So Cali in April to visit our daughter and a cousin that turned 80 this year and is my mentor for many things. After getting my address book hacked last May I reduced my Facebook account to just my name. If you completely delete your account Facebook has the right to see your photos and address if they wish so the wise thing to do is remove all information and keep it active. My situation is the third time I have seen this happen so I found the need to leave this social network. Anyone that is interested in my activities already has my email address and contacts me personally. Thanks for keeping me informed and I appreciate your invitation to the reunion.

I have been involved in a lifetime passion of mine.....salmon and steelhead fishing. I leave today for a 2 day trip to the Olympic Peninsula to fish on a protected river within an Indian reservation. Prospects for great fishing are super good.

I also have been working on my 1930 Model A Tudor sedan street rod. I finally have the dream garage to work on my projects and now my hobby of building this car gets undivided attention.

Sherri and I are delighted with our new home and life in Northwest Washington.

Kudos to you for a great blog for all of us Bulldogs. Thanks for keeping me in the loop.

Jay Peterson

And here are a couple of more from the past...


From Jay today...

Thought you would like to see my 17 lb. steelhead I caught 2 days ago on the Quinalt River on the Olympic Peninsula. This big boy got to go back and share his genetics. Four others will be shared with friends and appreciated for their fine flavor and healthy meat. Take care. Jay

Monday, February 13, 2012

Where Are They Now???

Remember Fran Serafin? He went to Miller, Muir and BHS, Class '67

Today Fran is enjoying life in Apple Valley, California!

From Fran:
"I would like to add that I've had to recently move because I got tired of throwing back all of the newspapers that kept landing in my yard instead of my neighbor: BILL GATES !!"


Looking good, Fran!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Bob's Video

Thanks to John Rocke for this fun video!

Some of you may have already seen this, it’s been “around.” But, this is a bit of meaningful nostalgia to those of us who grew up in Burbank, or wherever there was a “Bob’s.”
