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Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Shari Deuel

Congrats Shari on your new beautiful grandson - love the pics!!


Yes we can post the pics. I have some of me on my 525 mile bike ride and the new baby. My reunion pics didn't come out. They were all out of focus.

Here are the pics of Liam Jackson Hutchins and his big sister Sierra, who's 10.

Will send the bike pics this evening. I'm of to my sister's in Corona del Mar for afew days. Then I have to go to Ventura for my bike club's borad meeting. I'm past pres so. . . . . . . . .

Congrats on your 2 lil ones coming soon!!

More later, Shari

Hey Cathy,

Finally getting around to sending pics. My sister and I have been out all day going here and there.

The pics are from the Arthritis Foundation California Coast Classic. I've done it the last 3 yrs. The min. to do the ride is $2,900 which I raised the 1st yr. Last year I reached 3,500. 07 was a tough yr and I barely made the 2900. But my team, Team 830 reached $70.000!! and 245 riders raised over 2.4 MILLION! It all goes to the AF!!

But this yr. I'm going to ride the Oregon coast and maybe more in honor of my brother Danny. I want to raise $$$$ for Free Flight that he started in the 70's. It's a rehabilitation center (his home) for birds of prey and mammals. It keeps going only by donations. He was so proud of my runnng and cycling accomplishments.

Hope all is well with you!!!

I'll be traveling w/ the Tour of Calif. in Feb and will be in Santa Rosa near the 17/18th.

Shari with son, Tim.

Shari's brother, Dan Deuel, BHS '64 (1946-2006)

1/9/08 UPDATE

I asked Shari how we can contact her if we want to sponser her and here is her reply:

Cathy, Thanks for adding that for me!! is how they can contact me.

I work the Tour of California(pro bike tour). We aren't able to take our own bikes because we(80+) travel big vans with 8-10 people per van. We're dropped off on the race course 2 hrs. ahead of the race coming through. We make sure the route is clear of any debri, talk to spectators and direct traffic. After the race has passed our van comes by and picks each of us up and we race to our next location. Each day and jumps(our race coverage area) is different.

In towns we might be on each corner but out in the coutry or on Hwy. 1 we might be 2-5 miles apart. As soon as I get home from T of C I drive to Arizona for a 185 mile relay race from Wickenburg to Mesa. Feb. 28-March1. We are The Grey Hares, in the over 55 category. We got 3rd in the Hood to Coast Relay -from the Mt. Hood ski lodge to Seaside, Or. 197 miles. Should be another fun adventure.

I'm also training for the King of the Mountain series. You have to complete 3 112+mile rides, each w/ 12,000' of climbing, making each check-in point on time. The 1st is the Mulholland Challenge then Breathless Agony and Hearbreak 100. So I'll be looking for steep mtns to ride ALOT until then.

Won't be going to Tour de Georgia this year with all the training for the KOM. Want to get that accomplished before the BIG 60 next year. Maybe even go to St. George for the senior games this year.

Have a beautiful day!


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