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Saturday, March 22, 2008

Jackie Elrod

Another classmate has made contact! In the year book, she is Jackie Elrod but her name at graduation was Jackie Bush. I asked if I could post her email and said sure! Thanks for the update Jackie - great to hear from you and Happy Birthday on Tuesday! Jackie (Elrod) LeBaron's email is


My name is Jackie "Elrod" LeBaron. I was searching for Tom Hurd and got your information also. I don't know if you remember me or not. I dated Len Ingoldsby through Jr. and High School. I went out with Dick Spencer a couple times when Len and I would break up. Thank goodness we didn't break up but twice.

Tom and I grew up together (next door neighbors); Kent Larsen lived directly across the street from Tom. We lived on Standford St. I'm going to try to reach Tom through here but quickly glancing I did not see an E-Mail address for him.

I've missed keeping in contact with everyone. Everyone had their clicks, but that's only normal, but still with our school being basically small and stood up and took care of everyone.

I'm now living in White Oak, Texas, where I have been for many many years. I moved to Texas shortly after I lost my 1st son in May of 1969. He was born Jan, 3, 1969. His dad, Moss, was in Viet Nam and I had a very, very hard time getting him back to the states to see him as he had never seem him except in pics. When I got him home he was home for 3 days before he came to see him and then by that time he saw him for about 6-8 hrs. But that is past history in my life.

I have tried so hard to think of classmates names and some I can remember and some I can't. I can't even think of a girl named Sharon that Len and I hung with her and Glenn and cannot for the life of me think of the last name. They eventually moved to Van Nuys. My ex-husband threw all my year books away. I wanted to wring his neck so bad. He wasn't into keeping stuff like that. He was a real jerk, so obviously we didn't stay married long.

Drop me an e-mail and I'll try to get up to date with some of our classmates. We are not getting any younger. (YUK) I will be 60 on Tues. That's a big "YUK". I graduated under the name of "Bush". Didn't take that name until my Senior Year.

Jackie "Elrod" Bush LeBaron
1967 Graduate

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