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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Looking for Alumni Drill Team to March in Centennial

Here's our 1967 Drill Team Rank 8: Kathleen Smith ('67), Sandy Saia ('68), Gail Hanson ('68), Teri Hill ('68), Cathy Palmer ('67), Roxanne Leko ('68), Lynne Wacker ('67).


Looking for alumni drill team members to march in the Centennial celebration.

Contact Joyce Rudolph at: or Linda Johnson at: to let them know if you are interested.

Linda Johnson will be coordinating the practices. Joyce Rudolph says "This is really going to be fun!"

GOOFING OFF: Cheryl McNulty ('68) joins the fun!

Btw, I emailed asking, "What about those of us who will be in town only for the event Sept 11-14 but can not come to any practices?

Joyce wrote back, "We will make the routine very easy."

Okay... no excuses then! Or you get 2 demerits - lol!


  1. hey! i found the posting area sorry.

    So who was on the drill team?
    What year was the Drill team first made?

    send any information to: please & thank you

    oh and all you girls in the picture look beautiful!

  2. Hey drill team, i would like to say you all look beautiful in the picture.
    can u send me an email stating when the first drill team was started? and if anyone would be willing to be interviewed by me about their experiences on the Drill team please contact me Tara, at

    It would be my honor :] thank You!!
