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Thursday, March 27, 2008

Thanks Alan, for the Update!

Read Alan's alumni interview at the BHS Site

Hi Cathy,

The BHS Centennial Committee met last Wednesday, March 19, at 7:00 PM in the BHS Library. We met in the evening this time in hopes more committee members would be able to attend, and there were more present this time. BHS Athletic Director Fred Cook provided an assortment of cookies and bottled water for all of us. Among those attending were Linda Mustion '67, Cathy Nicholls Coyle '67, and John Coyle '65.

Different committee members gave their reports on the latest happenings in their respective areas of planning. It was reported that the BHS Varsity Football game scheduled for Saturday afternoon, September 13, will be played against the Torrance High School team. The game will be the first varsity football home game played on the BHS field since 1972, and only the second game played there since 1948! (As most all alumni remember BHS plays their home games on the Burroughs Memorial Field.)

Anson Heimlick Williams '67 will be riding in the BHS parade on Saturday morning, September 13. The parade will begin on Amherst next to McCambridge Park, proceed down to Scott Rd., up Scott Rd. to Andover. Then it will go up Andover to Glenoaks and over Glenoaks to the BHS entrance at Glenoaks and Fairmont. There will be a car show at BHS of the cars in the parade and other cars, many owned by BHS alumni. Anson is going to be the MC for the Car Show and a picnic at BHS, which will be on Sunday, September 14. Anson will also be involved speaking at the Varsity Football game after the parade. Anson has also been asked to be Grand Marshal of "Burbank On Parade" next month in April. That is the annual parade on Olive Ave. in Burbank.

The oldest alumni who is scheduled to ride in the September 13 parade is Josephine Bailey, BHS '25! Her daughter, Carolyn Bailey Grogan, BHS '63 is a current teacher at BHS. I reported that another participant in the September 13 parade has arranged herself for the car she will ride in. She is Genevieve Cowden Sultenfuss, BHS '28, and the car she will ride in is a black 1928 Ford Model A convertible!

Dave Thomson, current BHS teacher and Centennial Chairman, has been conducting several interviews every week now with BHS alumni. He recently did phone interviews with Cathy Ferguson '66, John Ferguson '68, and Patty Ferguson Barton '69. This morning he interviewed Jon Kirkwood '64, and Pam Zipfel Kirkwood '64. This afternoon Dave met me here in Santa Clarita for lunch and then came here to my home to interview me.

Plans are moving along nicely for the Centennial. It is less than six months away now! Our next committee meeting will be Wednesday, April 23, at 6:30 PM in the BHS Library. Everyone who would like to get involved in Centennial planning is invited to attend the meetings!

Alan Landros '70

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