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Monday, August 18, 2008

Classmate News

Just received this email from Madelaine (Zelany) Whiteman - thank you for writing, Madelaine. My deepest condolances to Patty Ellis on the tragic loss of her son. We will keep her in our prayers...


Add my list to the people attending the Centennial. I look forward to seeing you and other classmates and alumni that were not at the summer picnic. It has been a long time since I have seen most of you, at least 20 years! The Saturday night get together sounds like fun and I told Joan & Freddie I would help if they needed me at the breakfast on Sunday.

On a sad note, Patty (Ellis) MacDonald, lost her son, Christopher, on July 17 in a motor cycle accident. He had been living in Spokane, WA. for the past several years. She is doing better, but as anyone who has suffered a loss knows, grief comes in waves.

And to end on a happy note, Kendra Murphy, Debbie Spaulding Milton’s daughter just past her test and is now an RN working in the oncology ward in Santa Fe where her mother was a patient. Debbie would be very proud of her accomplishments.

Best to you.


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