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Friday, December 19, 2008

Happy Holidays!! from Donna Luce Neitman

Thanks for the update, Donna, and glad to hear that your foot is doing better. Your home looks beautiful covered in snow even though the white stuff is spoiling your holiday but Jan 1 will be here before you know it and then you can see your children & grandchildren!

Hi Cathy,

I wanted to say Happy Holidays to all and send a little update. My foot that I broke on the cruise is healing slowly but gets better each day. It's been rough going up and down the stairs here at home and now of all times Spokane is having a record snow fall.

It snowed 2 ft. yesterday and more is predicted for next week. Larry shovels the driveway every couple of hours. My daughter, husband and two granddaughters are suppose to fly up from L.A. next week but it's looking as though that trip may be canceled.

Of all the years to break records in Spokane. My mother and brother moved to Rathdrum, Idaho (which is about 20 miles from here) from the Burbank area in August and they are getting hammered with the white stuff too. The only problem is I am unable to get to their houses. So Christmas this year is going to be very dismal. Oh I forgot to tell you I'm married to Scrooge. Ha!!!

On a happy note I will be flying (I hope) down to Burbank on New Years day and will be staying at my daughters in Moorpark, so I will get to see my granddaughters, family and friends.So Happy Holidays to all who are reading this!!


Donna (Luce) Neitman

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