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Thursday, January 22, 2009

Don's Party

Thanks Cathy Nicholls Coyle for the photos of Don Ray's January 20th party. Looks like ya'll had a fun time celebrating his coming of age... old age that is - lol!! Okay, 60 is not old, so says my eleven year old granddaughter.

I went to Don Ray's 60th Birthday party last night. It was held in the old Montrose Bowl. It is such a quaint little area and the Bowling Alley was a great place to hold a party! When we came in we were given name tags with numbers on them. The numbers corresponded with a sheet that held a list of professions, hobbies, relationships, and accomplishments. It was a great way to start a conversation with the other guests. Don said it was "his gift; to share his friends with us." My numbers said that I was a "Burbank High School graduate;" a "Former Burbank employee;" a "Twin;" a "Dog person;" and a "Photographer." All of us wanted to add "Hardest worker alive" to our name tags!

Nancy, Don's sister, was great! She was busy tending to the organization of the food and birthday cake yet still had time to visit with each of us.

Nancy (Ray) Revlin, BHS '65 and Don

I enjoyed talking to Xiao Mei, Don's wife. She is a real gem!

I met Joe Veraldi, BHS '69, an old Bowling buddy of Don's, and his sister, Camille, BHS '61.

There were many others that were interesting to talk to too! One of the descriptions said "Appeared in Elvis movie"It was former BHS teacher, Chuck Campbell! Good food, Good fun, Good friends! The time just flew by!

Cathy, Don, Pam (Zipfel) & Jon Kirkwood, both BHS '64

"Happy 60th Birthday Don! We all had a blast! Thanks for a great time

1 comment:

  1. Received the following emails this morning - thanks folks!

    Dear Cathy,

    Thanks for the note re: Don Ray. Yes, it was a terrific party, my wife and I had a particular fun time chasing down everyones numbers on their name tags. For me, it is a great and rewarding experience to work with Don on my latest book. Best wishes to you.

    Chuck Campbell

    --- end ---

    Good stuff. What a great night. I wish I had been there.

    Wait, was I there?

    I’m getting old!

    Thanks so much!

    Don Ray

    --- end ---

    Just read the article Cathy N. sent to Cathy P's Blog...Well done! Great pix too. I loved the concise way that Cathy C. explained Don's game...It was really original and fun. Plus, she remembered everyone's name too! Truly a STAR reporter!

    Love, Pam
