Tell Us Your Story

Monday, January 12, 2009

Vicki Peters Stigile

Great to hear from you, Vicki, and thanks for the fab photos!

Hi Cathy!
It was really nice to hear back from you.

I am amazed at your computer skills. To set up this whole web site and all this information is wonderful. You have such a kind heart.

I've been looking through the web page and am so excited to see so many of our Bulldog friends. I thought only I was getting old! That is why I haven't been too active in the reunions. I guess I was afraid that everyone else would look so great and young, thin, and like in High School! Stupid, HUH!!! I would like to be more involved. It looks like so much fun you are having!

Well, I live in Oxnard, Ca. We live by the beach and I love it! It's always cool here, and I love walking on the beach looking for sea glass. My hobbies are varied, I like painting,raising birds, growing Orchids, my aquarium, sewing, RV'ing around the country with my husband George, being with my 2 grand kids, and having fun times with them. I have 3 children. I actually went into Fashion Design for a while, then went into Education of Elementary School. Always seemed to steer to Special Education. Did that, then retired, and here I am!

So I would love to talk with you. Weekends are fine. I'm retired so whenever you have a spare minute, Call me!!! It was nice visiting with you. Call me whenever you get the time.

Love, Vicki Peters/ Stigile

Kellie, Tracie, Me and George

Cory and girlfriend

Grandma with Wyatt and Ireland

Bailey our Golden


The RV

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