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Sunday, February 8, 2009

Jackie Visits Sonoma

Had a fun visit with Jackie Hayes Steen (BHS '68) today. So great reconnecting again after ALL these years.

And here's what Jackie wrote in my '67 Ceralbus:

"Cathy - Well - here we are - another year is over. This has been the greatest yet. And knowing you & being with you a lot has made it even better. Man, am I ever glad we were together in P.E. It was tons of fun having you as my tennis partner - even tho we didn't win the tournament! I feel that this year, we have gotten to know each other much, much better. You are one of the funniest greatest persons I know & I love being with you, for those reasons. Remember all the gasser times we've had!?!? Thanks so much for all those times!
Good luck always
Love, Jackie (Hayes)
P.S. Listen - just because you're out of hi school now, doesn't mean I'm gonna loose track of you (you can't get off that easily!!!) Call me or something this summer or next year. O.K.??"

Love you, Jackie!

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