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Thursday, December 30, 2010

BHS Alumni/Looper Get-together

Received this great email today - thanks Cathy!

Hi CP: Went to the BHS Alumni/Looper Get-together yesterday at the Elks Lodge in Burbank. Here is a photo of who came:

1st row: Rich Shabazian '64; Jon Kirkwood '64; Nancy Ralphs '65; Santa Vessella '65; Bob Bauman '64; and Mickey DePalo '64. 2nd row: Kirk Harris '65; Pam Zipfel Kirkwood '64; Nancy Cowles '65; Cathy Nicholls Coyle '67; John Coyle '65; Bill Kuzma '65; Mike Feix '65 and Linda Mustion '67 in the back.

Kirk Harris '65, came with a 1962 Foothill League Championship charm that he received while playing on the "B" football team. He says that he thinks he is the only one that may still have it as many of the guys he has talked to told him that they had either lost it or had given it to their girlfriends. Kirk is considering giving it to Burbank High to display with their BHS memorabilia.

To show you how small it is... Here is a photo of Mike Feix and Kirk Harris holding the charm:

Bob Bauman was telling us how he had just recently gotten his Letter from Burbank HIgh that he had never received because he had missed the Football Banquet back in 1964! He got his letter and his patches for football and baseball! Mickey DePalo is to be thanked for setting the wheels in motion and making it all possible.

We heard a lot of stories and tales from our years at BHS. It's funny how some of our lives have entertwined since then. Here is a photo of some of the guys telling their stories while serving in the military:

Bob Bauman '64; Jon Kirkwood '64; Rich Shabazian '64; Kirk Harris '65 and John Coyle '65.

After they discussed their military service, (some of their stories were pretty amazing), they all started talking about their restored cars. It was a fun time and we'd like to thank Mickey DePalo and Jon and Pam Kirkwood for setting it all up.

Wishing all our BHS Alumni a Happy & Healthy New Year!
Your Roving Reporter signing off,
Cathy Nicholls Coyle '67

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