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Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Emmanuel Church Story by Pete Peterson

Big thanks to Wes Clark (BHS '74) for posting this on his website!

3/24/11 - Posted The Emmanuel Church Story by Pete Peterson to the History page. Mr. Peterson was my high school American history teacher at Burbank High in 1972/1973. A jolly and always engaging teacher, I was fortunate to have had both his American History and Civil War History classes; he enlivened things considerably by bringing in his slides of the battlefield sites he had visited in the East. His enthusiam for the subject was contagious, and it wasn't long before I, too, became an avid Civil War buff, reading every book on the subject I could find in the library. When I finished college I had to decide where to live, and I found a job in Maryland - right in the heart of Civil War country! After three years I moved to Northern Virginia and have remained here ever since, taking part in Civil War reenacting activities on the major battlefields that I had seen in Pete's slides so many years prior. (So, you see, I am not presently a Burbanker like my pal Mike - but it's a Burbanker's fault!) Thanks, Mr. Peterson, for this wonderful gift of a lifetime interest and hobby! I hope the inclusion of your 1991 church history on this site pleases you. God bless! - Wes Clark


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