Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Class of '66 Lunch July 16 @ Sunset Beach

July 16, 12:00
Harbor House Cafe, Sunset Beach
Class of 1966 Lunch
Greg Alaimo

PS Any year from Burbank is a Classmate. All are welcome!

View Larger Map

UPDATE: Toluca Lake Bob's Does Not Honor Corporate Coupons BUT They Do Have a Cool Website!

June 30 2011 Update

Received today a reply from Bob's on Facebook in regards to why they don't honor the coupons.

"That is corporate big boy, we have nothing to do with them. We are our own seperate Big Boy, the one and only. We have our own website bobs.net !"

Be sure to check out their very cool website!

June 25 2011 UPDATE

Barbara Zelenay tried to redeem the Bob's coupons and was refused (see comment below), so I just now called and asked the manager why. He told me the owner, Steve Fundhauser (or something like that), didn't want to. I asked if he was there as I wanted to talk to him but was told he lives in Michigan. TL Bob's is the ONLY Bob's that does not honor the website coupons. Oh brother.


Big thanks to Greg Alaimo (BHS '66) for this link - I'll be there in July!

You can down load coupons. If your going to Bobs at the 100th.
Take Care,

Home of the Original Double Decker.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Class '65 Has New Website

Stam Hill emailed the link to the new website so check it out! http://www.burbankhigh65.com/


After 12 years, the Class of '65 website has been given a new and easier to use make-over. It also now has it's own domain name: www.burbankhigh65.com.So please add it to your Favorites on your web browser.

It also has a Class of '65 Only Section, so if you're a member of the Class of '65 please register. Registered members can change their contact information, have their own blog and wall so other classmates can know what you're up to. You can also participate in forums, and chat with other classmates who are online. If you have ideas on how to make this section more useful, let us know and we'll try to accommodate your suggestions.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Laura Ziskin (BHS '68) 1950 - 2011

Received the very sad and shocking news this morning that Laura passed away yesterday. We do pray to the Lord for her family and close friends...

Producer Laura Ziskin dies at 61
'Spider-Man' maven was an advocate for health, environmental issues
By Cynthia Littleton


Laura Ziskin, a trailblazer among femme film producers and a forceful advocate for health and environmental issues, died Sunday of breast cancer at her home in Santa Monica, Calif. She was 61.

Ziskin fought a seven-year battle with the disease, yet remained one of the biz's busiest producers and a champion of causes close to her heart, including Stand Up 2 Cancer, the non-profit org she helped launch in 2008. The org wrangled dozens of stars to participate in telethons in 2008 and 2010 that ran across multiple networks and generated $180 million in donations for cancer research.

Earlier this year, she was honored by the Producers Guild of America with its Visionary Award. She earned the PGA's David O. Selznick life achievement kudo in 2005.

On the big screen, Ziskin steered one of the most successful film franchises in B.O. history as the producer of Sony Pictures' "Spider-Man" series. The first three pics in the series that began in 2002 broke B.O. records around the globe, with "Spider-Man 3" ranking as the highest-grossing pic in the history of Sony Pictures.

The fourth installment, a reboot with a new cast, wrapped production last month.

Ziskin was working on "Spider-Man 2" in 2004 when she was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer, which had been overlooked by mammograms. "I was a lucky girl: Nothing bad ever happened to me, and then it did," Ziskin told Variety in January.

Friends and colleagues admired her determination not to let the illness slow her down.

Along with contemporaries that included the late Dawn Steel and Sherry Lansing, Ziskin was part of a generation of showbiz women who braved gender bias to rise to prominence as execs and producers in the 1980s and 1990s. During her long career, Ziskin segued easily between roles as an exec and as a producer. She produced or exec produced such notable pics as "Pretty Woman," "What About Bob?," "Hero," "To Die For" and "As Good As it Gets." She exec produced the Oscarcast in 2002, marking the first time a solo femme took the reins of the live telecast, and again in 2007.

In the mid-1980s, she partnered with Sally Field in the Fogwood Films banner, which yielded such pics as the 1985 James Garner starrer "Murphy's Romance."

After graduating from USC's School of Cinematic Arts in 1973, Ziskin's earliest days in the biz included a stint working for producer Jon Peters and as a veep at Kings Road Prods.

Ziskin was named prexy of 20th Century Fox's Fox 2000 division at its founding in 1994 through 2000. On her watch, the unit released such titles as "Courage Under Fire," "One Fine Day," "Inventing the Abbotts," "Soul Food," "Never Been Kissed," "Fight Club," and "The Thin Red Line."

After leaving Fox 2000, she partnered with George Clooney to produce CBS' live telecast of the drama "Fail Safe." She teamed with helmer Norman Jewison for the 2001 HBO telepic "Dinner With Friends."

Ziskin was active in numerous social and philanthropic initiatives, having served on the board of Americans for a Safe Future, the National Council of Jewish Women and Education First.

Ziskin's survivors include her husband, Alvin, and daughter, Julia.

A memorial is being planned. The family requests that donations be made to Stand Up 2 Cancer through the org's website, standup2cancer.org.

--- end ---

Just found this recent sweet interview of Laura by 8 year old actress, Madison Moellers.


Laura Ziskin, Producer of ‘Spider-Man’ and ‘Pretty Woman,’ Dies at 61


Published: June 13, 2011


LOS ANGELES — Laura Ziskin, a prominent Hollywood producer who ventured into the largely male world of special-effects movies to become a shaping force behind the blockbuster “Spider-Man” franchise, died on Sunday at her home in Santa Monica, Calif. She was 61.

Laura Ziskin in 2006 (J. Emilio Flores for The New York Times)

The cause was complications of breast cancer, said Steve Elzer, a spokesman for Sony Pictures. After receiving a diagnosis of advanced breast cancer seven years ago, she became an advocate of cancer research and helped raise money for it.

In a field where women are a minority, Ms. Ziskin had a number of commercial and artistic successes, including “No Way Out” (1987), the taut melodrama that helped make Kevin Costner a star; “What About Bob?,” a 1991 comedy with Bill Murray that she also helped write; “To Die For” (1995), a black comedy starring Nicole Kidman; and “As Good as It Gets,” a 1997 romance with Jack Nicholson and Helen Hunt that earned best-acting Oscars for both.

As executive producer of “Pretty Woman” (1990), the megahit fairy tale about a romance between a prostitute and a business tycoon, Ms Ziskin insisted on an ending in which Julia Roberts has changed Richard Gere as fully as he has changed her.

“I didn’t want a movie whose message would be that some nice guy will come along and give you nice clothes and lots of money and make you happy,” Ms. Ziskin told People magazine.

Pretty Woman” established Julia Roberts as a superstar and stands among the most successful box-office romances of all time.

Ms. Ziskin had never produced a special-effects movie when she took on “Spider-Man” (2002), based on the Marvel Comics superhero, but it became a box-office juggernaut, earning almost $115 million its opening weekend, a record then. With Tobey Maguire as a socially awkward superhero who can swing from buildings, the movie offered both dazzling digital effects and teenage angst, a combination that proved irresistible to audiences.

Ms. Ziskin went on to help produce its two sequels as well as a third, the “The Amazing Spider-Man,” which is scheduled to open in 2012.

Though she succeeded handsomely in Hollywood, she did so initially feeling like an outsider. “Historically, the movie business has been a young white man’s business, and there is an ease of men amongst each other because they think alike,” Ms. Ziskin told The Hollywood Reporter in 1996. “When you come into that as a woman, you are an alien to some degree because you think differently.”

Ms. Ziskin broke one barrier in 2002 when she became the first woman to produce the annual Academy Awards show (the 74th) on her own. She produced the show again in 2007.

A native of Southern California, Laura Ellen Ziskin was born on March 3, 1950, and graduated from the University of Southern California film school in 1973. Her first job was writing for “The Newlywed Game” and “The Dating Game.” As an assistant to Jon Peters at Barbra Streisand’s Barwood Films, she got her first screen credit in 1978 as associate producer of “Eyes of Laura Mars,” starring Faye Dunaway.

When her marriage to the screenwriter Julian Barry ended in divorce, leaving her with a young daughter, Julia, Ms. Ziskin became a full-time producer and for a time dragged the girl from location to location.

In 1994, Ms. Ziskin became president of Fox 2000 Pictures, a newly created film division of 20th Century Fox. During her five years there she oversaw movies like “Courage Under Fire” (1996), a military drama with Denzel Washington and Meg Ryan; “Volcano” (1997), a disaster film with Tommy Lee Jones; Terence Malick’s 1998 film adaptation of James Jones’s “Thin Red Line”; and the Brad Pitt vehicle “Fight Club” (1999), a box-office failure that became a success on DVD.

In 2008 she produced an hourlong telethon, “Stand Up to Cancer,” which raised nearly $100 million for cancer research. It was broadcast live on ABC, CBS and NBC simultaneously.

“I got a bad case of cancer in 2004,” Ms. Ziskin told Variety at the time. “When you’re diagnosed with cancer, the last thing you want to do is join a movement. You kind of just want to crawl in a hole.”
But after watching former Vice President Al Gore’s documentary “An Inconvenient Truth,” she realized, she said, “the power of the medium in which I work to affect how people think.”

She had touched on the subject of cancer in 1991, when she produced “The Doctor,” with William Hurt as a doctor who learns he has throat cancer.

Ms. Ziskin’s survivors include her husband, the screenwriter Alvin Sargent, who wrote a number of films she produced, including three “Spider-Man” movies; her daughter, Julia Barry; her brothers Ken and Randy; a sister, Nina Ziskin; and her mother, Elaine Edelman.

Ms. Ziskin said film producing was a constant balancing of artistic and commercial concerns. “Every day you make compromises when making movies,” she told a reporter. “You hope you don’t make one that sinks you.”

She was disappointed that Hollywood studios had become less willing to take artistic risks. When The Hollywood Reporter asked her which of her movies she thought would not get made today, she answered: “All of them. ‘No Way Out,’ ‘To Die For,’ ‘The Doctor,’ even ‘Pretty Woman.’ The mainstream movie business has become increasingly narrow.”





Sunday, June 12, 2011

Email from Jim McKenzie (BHS '62)

Thanks Jim for the great photo! I recognize a few others as well like Vince Goddard, Ted Goldstone and Vern Olson all class '67 (2nd row l-r 1, 2 & 4).
Top row, L-R: Kevin ?, Randy Cotter, Bill Boomsma, Mike Light (JBHS 65), ?, Randy Ziglar, Ken Powers, Jim McKenzie, Emil Evanko.
2nd row, L-R: Vince Goddard, Ted Goldstone, Eldon Fuller, Vern Olson, ?, Richard Moll, Mark Bowler (younger brother of Paul BHS 64), John Ferguson, Chris Smith (JBHS 65).
Front row, L-R: Tim Murphy, Robert Meade, Randy Wood, Al Pinson, Pat Fligg, David Pinson, ? Smith (younger brother of Chris).


I periodically check your blog for BHS info and was truly shocked to learn Pat passed away back in January. Around Centennial time in '08 Pat and I reconnected via Facebook or some other social media venue. At the time, I did not realize that Pat attended USMA and graduated in 1971 or John Ferguson in 1972. I left Burbank right after graduation and never really kept in touch with folks. My ties to Burbank were limited since BHS was my third high school. Anyway, I had the pleasure of being on the USMA faculty 81-84. Pat and I emailed back and forth a few times but I never hooked up with John Ferguson or Ken Powers. All three were good guys when I knew them. Well as good as 10 and 11 year old boys can be.

I have attached a photo taken probably around 1961 at the Burbank YMCA. In the photo is a tall teenager in a black shirt your far right....yours truly (BHS '62). I coached the boys Y swim team for a couple years and lettered swimming a couple years at BHS. Directly to my right is Ken Powers (67), directly below Ken is John Ferguson (68) and bottom row third from your right Pat (67). In addition, to Ken's right Randy Ziglar (64) and bottom row second from your left Rob Meade (66). Thought maybe the picture may draw some interest from your readers.

Don't make it to Burbank much. Last trip was June '08 to visit my cousin Tom Turner (BHS 71, he play QB in those days) and his lovely bride, Pat Dalton Turner (72). They reside in Valencia, CA.

Good job on the blog by the way. Enjoy reading it from time to time. Have fun at Panama City.....went there many times when I was stationed (75-78) up the road at Fort Rucker, AL.

Again sadden by Pat's passing.

Warm Regards,

Jim McKenzie

2021 Harris Drive
Possum Kingdom Lake, TX 76449-4329


Aloha Donna Luce Neitman (BHS '67)!

Received the following email from Donna and here is the link to see all her great photos of her Hawaiian cruise - thanks Donna!


Hi Cathy, Thought maybe you could post these pics from our cruise in Hawaii we took in May. My Mom, bless her heart, treated us all for her 25th cruise. As you know she is undergoing chemo again as her cancer came back after 16 years in remission. She wanted to take a cruise before she had her treatments, so here we are. She is doing well for what she is going through and is an amazing woman. Carol, my daughter, her husband Andrew, my granddaughters, Avery (5), Taylor (4), me, Larry, brother Don and of course Mom all met in Hawaii then boarded the cruise ship. We sailed to Maui first where we met up with Joelle Morton and went to the Haleakala Crater 10,000 feet up. From there we sailed to Hilo, Kona & Kauai. It was a beautiful and relaxing trip. Enjoy the pics. Aloha, Donna

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Alumni Updates: Dave & Betsy Nash and Neal Hershenson

Thanks to Neal Hershenson (BHS '67) who connected with Betsy (BHS '68) and got permission to post this wonderful photo of her with brother Dave (BHS '67)... the 2 on the left!

By the way, Neal is a proud papa as his one daughter and her husband both sing opera in New York City and the other daughter will be dancing in an upcoming performance!

More info at http://launbound.com/

Road Kings Car Show & Picnic June 12 2011

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Party of the Century -- July 8

Hot off the press from Burbank! I'll be there... will you? Hope so.

The Party of the Century -- July 8
Burbank Celebrates its Centennial in Style
Friday, July 8 from 5:00 to 10:00 P.M.




Phone: 818.238.5180

Party of the Century - July 8th

Posted Date: 6/22/2011 9:00 AM

Party of the Century to include Air Parade, Music, Fireworks and more!

** Free shuttles courtesy of SuperShuttle will be running continuously from 4:00 to 11:00 P.M. with stops at McCambridge Park Recreation Center (Glenoaks Boulevard and Amherst Drive) and the Downtown Burbank Metrolink Station (201 N Front Street)**

On the anniversary of its incorporation in 1911, the City of Burbank will celebrate its 100th year with the Party of the Century in Downtown Burbank, Friday, July 8 from 5:00 to 10:00 P.M.

A supersized festivity with flybys, parades, multiple stages, memorabilia, mascots, children's entertainers, stilt walkers, awesome food from Downtown Burbank restaurants, community booths and more, the Party of the Century will be the ultimate night on the town for kids and families alike.

Encompassing six city blocks including San Fernando Boulevard, Palm Avenue, AMC Walkway, Orange Grove and Olive Avenue, it will express the civic pride and community spirit that have defined Burbank’s first 100 years.

Things will really heat up when the sun goes down. That's when the grand finale with a stunningly choreographed firework show will cap festivities in a profusion of light and sound.


It all starts at 5:00 P.M. with the national anthem and live broadcast in front of City Hall (275 E Olive Avenue) featuring KNBC Weatherman Fritz Coleman, civic dignitaries, former Mayors and a host of celebrities from Burbank’s rich film and television production history.

During the ceremony, the contents of a time capsule will be revealed at Angeleno Avenue and San Fernando Boulevard. A new capsule filled with mementos from the Centennial will be buried later in the year for the benefit of future generations.

Mickey and Minnie Mouse will present one of the largest cupcake displays ever! Big enough to feed 2,000 people, this super-sized confection made from thousands of regular-sized cakes stacked high on a custom-built stand, will be given away on a first-come, first-served basis. Concocted by a dream-team of master bakers from Porto’s Bakery & Cafe, Martino’s Bakery and Yummy Cupcakes, this tasty tower of flour is guaranteed to satisfy every sweet tooth.

Following the ceremony at approximately 5:45 P.M. will be the Air Parade, an awe-inspiring pageant in the sky that honors Bob Hope Airport and pays homage to Burbank’s close ties to aviation. Included will be McDonnell Douglas F/A-18 Hornets. B-25 Mitchell bombers, Burbank/Glendale/Pasadena Police Notar helicopters, Aero Squadron World War II planes, helicopters from Los Angeles County Sheriff “Air 5” Rescue, Los Angeles County Fire, Long Beach Police and the Orange County Sheriff departments and more.

Then, there will be the Mascot Parade led by Bugs Bunny and featuring Burbank High’s Bulldog, the John Burroughs Cheer Squad, Hootie the Owl, Domino’s Noid, Geoffrey the Giraffe, the H.T. Bee, Sergeant McGruff the Crime Dog, Burbank Fire Department’s L’il Squirt and many more. Characters will cavort down Olive Avenue to San Fernando Boulevard, where there will be numerous photos ops with the public.

Multiple stages will fill the streets with continuous performances by rock and rollers Captain Cardiac and the Coronaries, the Alley Cats, a USO Show by Wartime Radio Revue, DJ Ranney spinning Burbank’s favorite tunes, a Fabulous Fifties bandstand with the retro crooners High Street, celebrity lookalikes, jazz and blues band The Bluez Express, a kids stage featuring Radio Disney’s Street Team and NBT artist Sacha Edwards, 14-year-old pop and rock sensation who has already performed over 100 live shows in some of Los Angeles' hottest venues.

An 18-foot animatronic Tyrannosaurus Rex similar to the frightening carnivore in Steven Spielberg’s 1997 classic The Lost World: Jurassic Park will be on display at the Universal City Studios Credit Union (175 E Olive Avenue), along with free screenings of the movie, which was in part filmed in Downtown Burbank.

Downtown eateries Alambres Fresh Mexican Grill, Another Broken Egg Café, Carousel Restaurant at the Holiday Inn, Chadaka Thai, Fuddruckers, Haagen-Dazs, Hooters, Hot Dog on a Stick, IKEA Restaurant, Market City Caffé, Moore’s Delicatessen, Season Thai Cuisine, The Great Grill, Yogurtland and z pizza (the list is growing daily!) will be offering special menus in celebration of the Party.

To finish, there will a stunning Fireworks Grand Finale choreographed to Burbank-related movie and television soundtracks, such as themes from Laugh In, The Tonight Show, Looney Tunes Cartoons, Happy Days and films by Tim Burton and Ron Howard.

For further information, please call 818.238.5180

Source: http://www.ci.burbank.ca.us/index.aspx?recordid=850&page=25

Class of '66 - Emerson 6th Grade

Thanks to Linda Schuster Mazur ('66) for this great 6th grade photo!

click to enlarge

Mr. Bucklin's 6th grade class, Emerson Elementary, class of BHS '66...

Top Row, l-r: Bob Carter, Cathy Ferguson, John Cowgill, David Bogner, Bruse M., Jack Gibson., Greg Kretchmer, Horace Cook, Linda Schuster
Middle Row, l-r: Tom Bammel, Janice Wood, Betty Jo Walroth, Jacquie Sturla, Phil Young, Linda T., Phyllis Blackwood, Rod Bungay, Christine Miller
Front Row, l-r: Mr. Bucklin, Gloria Battaglia, Steve Gullion, Nancy Chambers, Virginia Ehrlich, Kathy Dupree, Gary B., Roger Marsh, Kathy H., Kenny Jordan