Cathy Shalda in 1961, 6th grade photo at Miller
Oh I just learned that Cathy Shalda, a friend from Miller Elementary School, died in 1981!
We lost touch after 6th grade and I always wondered about her whereabouts. Today I was thinking about her because her's was one of the pretty houses decorated for Christmas each year. I remember watching the 3 Stooges and drinking hot chocolate at her house. She was in my Brownie/Girl Scout troop of which my mother was the leader.
So started Goggling and I found that her father owned Shalda Manufacturing which made lights? Not sure though. She has a sister, Vicki, who graduated from Burbank High in 1962: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNPXD3ujTYVXDbl1V3t8-Y1DoKwbfx1hMIF0FvWd_OordfpStfgjZixG9jcpMJw7A/photo/AF1QipPYSPab0PbeAHmF7m39lNRV5Xy46XS1C1uBt2ik?key=TENIckpIN3hnYTJtRlpTNGdqNUlNWmgzOGRmXzhn
Then I found this notice. Thank You Linda Mustion for adding her to "Find A Grave" here: http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=99223105
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UPDATE from Diana Ziegler Larson when I emailed some Miller classmates asking if anyone knew what happened:
Yes, Cathy died of a heart attack! I have always been freaked out because she, Bobby Alexander, and Steve Marcus hung around together and all died so very young. Steve died of a congenital heart issue on the beach with Cathy and Bobby before he headed to Berkeley for college, then Bobby died in Sept. 1970 when he was on a motorcycle and someone made an illegal left turn into him, and then Cathy died in 1981 of a heart attack.
Her family moved to Glendale when we were in Jr. High. I was in Ticktockers with her and we had meetings up there on the hillside occasionally. Yes, her father owned an electrical company that sold lighting. My sister was classmates with Vicki.
Life is precious and way too short.
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Don Ray wrote:
I remember knowing that Cathy Shalda’s father owned Shalda Lighting and that the company installed all of the lighting stuff at Disneyland back about the time it opened. How sad to hear that she passed away. She was very friendly to everyone.
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Jerry Berg wrote:
Cathy lived on View Dr. just above Sunset Canyon off of Elmwood Av. I think her dad's company also did the lighting at Dodger Stadium.
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In 1963, Shalda Lighting was aquired by Hubbell
"Hubbell Outdoor Lighting was established in 1963 in Burbank, CA with Hubbell’s acquisition of Shalda Lighting."
Hubbell Outdoor Lighting is now located in Virginia.