Oh this is so heartbreaking...
Hi Cathy,
This is Duane's wife, Carolyn. I have sad news.
Duane passed away in his sleep yesterday. He was fighting lymphoma but we didn't beat it this time.
He always enjoyed talking about all of you and I always wondered why he stayed so close to friends from long ago. Then.....I met all of you and now I know.
Due to Covid I'm not quite sure what I will do for a service but I wanted you to know about his passing.
Here's Duane at our 2013 Class Reunion in Burbank

- RIP DuaneOh, my goodness....so very sorry to hear this....May God comfort his family and friends. Rest in peace, Duane....

12/5/13 - Memories of Sargeants by Duane Thaxton
I am a 1967 graduate of Burbank High. I was talking with some friends and mentioned Sargeant’s Restaurant (I worked there sometime around 1965 to early 1967). I think my hours working there were daily, 5pm to 9pm, except I think they were closed on Mondays. Working there pretty much killed my high school social life.
Regarding Sargeant’s Restaurant, I remember Mavis and Graham. I remember a cook named Scotty (glasses and mustache) who cooked fish orders. There was at that time another cook, a Blackfoot Indian – I’ve been told his name (or nickname) was Chick . . . and that sounds correct to me. There was a younger waitress who was recently married to a Marine who was down at Camp Pendleton.
I remember sweeping up after they closed. If I were to find a penny I would hand it to Mavis . . . she would thank me and put it in the register. Mavis and Graham were both pretty strict and frugal.
I remember Mavis had one eye that was out of whack (obviously not a medical term). I remember when talking with her I would stare at one eye, then the other, back to the first . . . I’m sure she realized I was curious about her crooked eye.
I did a Google map search to see if the Sargeant’s Restaurant building itself was still at the same location . . . While continuing my search I happened upon your site with the postcard photo of the restaurant. That snapshot brought back memories of the mid to late 60’s living and working in Burbank.
source; http://wesclark.com/burbank/burbankers_remember.html