A good friend of mine has made a couple of trips to Sudan. He has been helping in humanitarian aid to the Nuba people. The Nuba people have been attacked since the current government took over. The Nuba people are self sufficient farmers, but the government has bombed their fields and they have not been able to plant their fields for over 2 years. The Nuba people have had to flee into the mountains in the area and hiding in the caves. But they are starving to death. My friend, Chris Ward is planning another trip around the first of the year to take food, oil, and medical supplies. To accomplish this mission, they need $150,000. They are at about $13,000, so there is a long way to go. If you feel that stopping this genocide is important please go to this web site https://www.stayclassy.org/fundraise?fcid=317694 and donate.
Thank you,
John Johnson