At our reunion, Bev told me of the passing of classmate and friend, Linda Warrick... so sad...
Linda Warrick DeClercq (58)
12-27-48 to 9-20-07
Linda and I were friends starting in Jr. High at John Muir. We became best friends in High School. We were in Dance Performance together. She even dated my brother. We continued our close friendship up until the time of her death. She was my maid of honor in our wedding and I was in hers as well. She graduated with a bachelors degree from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. There she met her husband, Denis DeClercq. They chose to settle close by in Cambria,Ca., bought a house and started their family. They have three children Matt, Corey and KC. Matt is married and Linda was able to attend his wedding about six months before her death on September 20, 2007. They now have one grandson.
She worked at the local high school while her children were growing up. And her husband was the principal (and a volunteer fireman). She later work as a secretary for the fire chief. Her hobby was photography. She was really gifted at this. We would receive her spectacular works each year on their Christmas cards. Her specialty was capturing the lightening strike.
Denis and Linda were married for 33 years. Linda passed away from Pancreatic Cancer. Denis and her children were with her, lovingly caring for her. We would visit each other and call on occassion over the years and our relationship took up right where we left off as if we saw each other every day. Such a friendship is hard to put into words but she will continue to be one of my lifelong best friends and more. Memories are God's gift to us of these relationships. I cherish them.
Remembering Linda with love,
Bev Bullock McLeod
(BHS '67)
Monday, July 23, 2012
Remembering Linda Warrick, BHS '67 (1948-2007)
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Mark the Date... Aug 6th for Burbank Bulldog Luncheon!
The next one is MONDAY, AUGUST 6th at the Elks at 11:30am.
The address is 2232 North Hollywood Way.
Cost only $12.
Friday, July 20, 2012
WOW! Thanks for the link, Diana...
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Where Are They Now? Stan Dorrance BHS '67

Received the following email from Stan with photos of his lovely family and home. I asked if I could share and he said yes. Thanks Stan!
Love receiving your emails. Have made it to a few reunions over the years. Also have noticed some pic of houses and alumni in your emails.
Attached are a few pictures. One is of my family (wife Kay, children Ryan, Erin & Caitlin) and the other two are of our house in Fresno that we built about 10 years ago.
Thought you might be interested.
Received an email from Rhys Thomas recently. He is living in Fayette, MO. Has been there for a number of years. Now has a PhD in chemistry and owns a testing laboratory. Rhys and I were close friends at BHS and roomed together at UCLA.
Thanks for all you do.
Stan Dorrance
Class of ‘67

Here is Stan's website:
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Class '67 Reunion Photos 2012
We had lots of fun last night at BJ's... so great seeing everyone!
Link to more reunion photos...
More fun tonight so more photos will added and if you have pics to post, please email to me at
PS Senior photos of class '67
JULY 19, 2012 UPDATE
Greg Alaimo posted our group photo on KTLA website - thanks Greg!!
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Facebook Surprise by Dave LeSueur
"MSFocus Magazine asked me to rewrite an old column to make it relavent to MS. Here is the result. You may have seen a version of it already." Dave
Sunday, July 08, 2012
Facebook Surprise
Those of us with MS sometimes feel isolated when our symptoms prevent us from doing things with our friends and family. To help remedy this, my neurologist encouraged me to use "Social Media" (like Facebook) to keep in touch. I never took his advice because Facebook seems more like "Anti-Social Media" than "Social Media." After all, you are communicating without having to actually use any spoken words But everything changed recently when I received an email from my friend Curtis inviting me to be his friend on Facebook. At first I was suspicious. You see, we are both closer to the Social Security retirement age than we are to the legal drinking age. And though we are both computer and internet savvy, you wouldn’t normally associate us with something like Facebook. I wondered if this email was really from him. I have watched enough television news to know that you have to be wary of sexual predators. What if the email was from a 12 year-old girl pretending to be Curtis? Or what if the email was from a guy in Nigeria who wanted to steal my identity? Maybe if I clicked on the link he would find out my credit card numbers and steal my entire 401(k) account. I decided to call Curtis, just to be safe. He confirmed to me that he had just joined Facebook and had invited me to be his friend, though he wasn’t sure yet what that meant. I opened his email and clicked on the link. A mere 2 ½ hours later I finished signing up as his friend. That was 3 weeks ago. We haven’t spoken since. I am not sure what is supposed to happen next. Will he send me a message to go look at his Facebook page? Or am I supposed to go there periodically to see if he has a message for me? I was going to call him about something but I was afraid he might be mad at me for not ever checking Facebook. Then I had a brilliant idea - I would send him a text message! That way I could communicate with him without risking actually talking to him. I could just pretend he wasn’t angry with me. I decided to tell him in my text that my internet wasn’t working in case he was wondering why I hadn’t been to his Facebook page. Now I just needed to learn how to send a text message. A few days ago I asked my niece Marissa to teach me. She can text 416 words per minute and has calluses on her thumbs. Yesterday I decided to send her a test text message, but I couldn’t find my cell phone. I don’t use it much. Last month my usage was 3 minutes. I only received two phone calls, both of them wrong numbers. I tried calling my cell phone, hoping I would hear it ring, but of course its battery was dead. Eventually I found it. It took me only 20 minutes to type the following message: HI MARISsa how are lol U unCle daVID I sent the text, then called Marissa to see if she had received it. She is 15, so naturally she had her cell phone with her and turned on. Yes, she said, she got my message. I quickly ended the phone call because it felt like cheating to actually talk out loud. I didn’t even find out how she was LOL. I started to compose my message to Curtis when I realized I didn’t have his cell phone number! Maybe I could write him a letter instead. Unfortunately we don’t have stationery and writing on computer paper seemed impersonal. I checked in our folder where we keep greeting cards for a variety of occasions. I found two birthday cards, three thank you notes and an invitation to a New Year’s Eve party. None of them seemed appropriate. We also had some blank cards but they all had girly flowers on the front. So I won’t be sending him anything in the mail. I am stumped as to my next step. Curtis, if you are reading this and aren’t too mad at me, instead of being friends on Facebook, can we be friends in real life?
David LeSueur lives in Littleton, Colorado with his wife, Mary. He was diagnosed with MS in 2000.
Friday, July 6, 2012
Where Are They Now... Terry Minor
Wow found this picture how did we get to sixty three? Wow sorry can't make the reunion would love to .....still flying for delta airlines
Terry minor Macarthur
love to all god bless
Delta Shaun's

1966 Shauns
Back: Leigh Rugee, Barbara Bronner, Terri Minor, Cathy Carlson, Sharon Scroggie, Kathy Whitehead, Judy Anderson
Middle: Kathy Musson, Marsha Johnson, Nancy Krough, Kyle McDowell, Linda Newcomer
Front: Sue Lutje, Vivian Blum, Dona Foy, Donna Hall
Bluebirds 1960? Terry Minor

Who can identify??
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Walter Fields, BHS '67, Passed Away June 29, 2012
So sad to receive word of the passing of fellow classmate, Walter Fields.
His sister, Sue (Fields) Templeton BHS '65, emailed saying that Walter passed away on his 63rd Birthday, June 29th, from a brain tumor.
Please keep the family in your prayers.