Hi Cathy - I actually read your blog a couple of days ago. Alan Singer keeps sending me emails with little remembered "facts." He should be one of the class archivists.
Normally I don't go in for this sort of (blog) thing, but, I have to say, you are doing something good! Thanks! The reason is, at this point, it all just seems so overwhelming to me. The sense of loss is immense. Apparently I'm quite sentimental and/or have a delicate psyche, so prefer to "not go there" - - at least not very often.
Last night, for some unknown reason, I didn't sleep well, so I just got up at 2 a m and listened to some music. Pulled out the Ceralbi and took a good look at all three years.
On your blog, I noticed the email from Dan Larson. He was one of the many classmates I knew "of," but probably never talked "to." Maybe my memory is faulty, but I imagine now that he lived just down the street from me on Andover. What impressed me is that it seems EVERYONE who went to BHS is able express themselves so well in written form. That's a real testimony to the teaching.
The manner of expression (the "lingo") is also shared - since it was derived from the same place. So it always strikes a chord, no matter what the content.
Also noticed Dean Hutton's email. Haven't seen or heard from him since '67. I'll share what he wrote in my Ceralbus.
We must have a reunion of the 7-7's. We've been in a lot of classes together and I just want to say it's been great, Greg (?) Well, now that the sarcasm is finished I want to wish you good luck in college. Remember that your "Most Likely to Succeed Award" doesn't guarantee success. Take it from former winners like Benedict Arnold and Lee Harvey Oswald. Good luck & have fun.
Your friend, Dean Hutton
The thought, humor, and attention-to-detail just blew me away.
Well, Cathy, good to share this with you.
If you want to post this email, I guess it's ok.
If you wish, you can post my email address: werf@charter.net
Thanks again.
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