Pam and Jon Kirkwood send out a wonderful monthly email (The Loop) with news from BHS alumni - mostly from their class of '64 but anyone can receive it. Just drop Pam an email: pamkirkwood@yahoo.com
And below are a few items I gleaned today from THE LOOP...
Blyden (son of Coach Loutensock) sent this photo taken the day Alan came home from the hospital (10/2/08), one week after his kidney transplant, thanks to Blyden. Please keep praying for both these men as they continue to heal up!
Cathy Nicholls Coyle and John Coyle ’65 will celebrate their anniversary on Jan.18th - CONGRATULATIONS! How many years?
Don Ray (Jan 20), Denny Lombard (Jan 22) and Shari Deuel (Jan 30) are all celebrating birthdays this month... the Senstional SIXTY! "Put another candle on my birthday cake..." as Sheriff John used to sing.
Retiring this month on January 29 is Joanie Nobile Ortega ...Hubby Freddie '65 says they plan to leisurely tour the US and Canada in their motorhome - what a great idea!
And finally, Pam and Jon are "fairly certain" that the date for the Annual BHS/JBHS ALUMNI Picnic will be Saturday, June 27th. And for those who can, the Class of '67 are wanting to meetup again in 2009 the same weekend of this picnic.
Hi Cathy and Joyce...
Just heard from our chairperson for the Annual BHS/JBHS Picnic (Linda Damarjian)...She was contacted by the Loopland (Burbank) Park and Rec Dept. and the Picnic is NOW officially June 20th...(Saturday)...More to follow...
Here is a possible plan:
Friday Night - Bob's Toluca Lake
Saturday - Ninth Annual BHS/JBHS Alumni Picnic (June 20, 2009)
Saturday Night - BJ's Grill on Patio (open to anyone)
Sunday AM - Breakfast (only class of '67) - Last year we met at the Ortegas and it was soooo fun!!
What do you think? Please post comments/suggestions/ideas/etc below - thanks!!
NEWS FLASH! Just sent in by Pam Kirkwood - The Heart Attack Grill (followed by a short ad):
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From Cathy Nicholls Coyle - thanks for the photos!
60 Year Olds
Here are the latest photos taken of the Birthday kids from the Centennial at BHS:
Shari Deuel (in her original drill team outfit!)
Denny Lombard (Looking as good as ever!)
Don Ray (who loves to be surrounded by women!)
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