Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Ron Bayless 1948-2010

Sadly we report the passing of BHS '67 alumni, Ron Bayless last month. May the Lord bring comfort to Ron's family and friends.

2/4/2010 1:09:00 PM

Obituaries: Ron Freeman Bayless
Nov. 1, 1948— Jan. 28, 2010

Ron Freeman Bayless, 61, formerly of Frazier Park, Calif. died at his home in Joseph.

He was born to Bennie Freeman and Edyth Dennis Bayless in Arcadia, Calif. and grew up and lived in Burbank, attending High School there. He was scouted for pro baseball. He joined the army and served in Germany and Vietnam.

In 1982 he met Bonnie Marler at Universal Studios, where he worked at the time, and they were married August 9, 1987 in San Padro, Ca on the Buccaneer Queen at a pirate style wedding.

The couple moved to Frazier Park, Calif. where they lived until 2004. They retired to Joseph.

Mr. Bayless' work included working as a teamster for Universal Studios as a dispatcher at tours, a captain on movie productions and as a heavy equipment operator until 2002. He also worked for a refrigeration and heating company.

He was a member of a duck hunting club in Delano, Calif. known as Machinist and Farmers Duck Club.

He was baptized January 23, 2010 at St Mary's Medical Center after suffering from cancer.

He is survived by his wife Bonnie of Joseph; brother, Bernie and his wife Sue; nieces and nephews.

Memorial services were held Feb. 2 at the Seventh-Day Adventist Church in Enterprise. Bollman Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.

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From 1967 Ceralbus

1 comment:

  1. Ron I knew ya well. You , John Campbell, Steve Billos, Greg Pierce and I were all pals. We would hunt and camp together as kids. We always partied at John's house and shared a lot of jokes together. All I can say is, Pard I will see you down the road.

    Pete Beauregard
