Friday, July 30, 2010
California Fires
View Crown IC (Agua Dulce) in a larger map
Email from Cathy Nicholls Coyle... please pray for our friends who live near the fires:
Hey CP: FYI - Another fire in the area. I called to put a vacation hold on our Daily News newspaper and they had a recording saying that they are unable to deliver the paper in the surrounding fire area. Never thought about that. Guess the streets are all closed off. Cathy
PS - This fire is about 40 miles from us but we still saw the flames shooting up off the hillside last night. Scarey.....
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Burbank's Design for 2011 Rose Parade
Putting the petal to the metal
City's float designers are thinking big for the next Rose Parade.
A rendering of Burbank's 2011 entry into the Tournament of Roses parade. (City of Burbank) |
The float design, unveiled this week, will celebrate 100 years since the city's incorporation, and will be called "Centennial Celebration."
"This float is really going to be the leadoff event for the yearlong celebration of our city," said Bob Hutt, the president of the Burbank Tournament of Roses Assn. "We're excited to be setting the tone for the entire year."
Celebrating the people and businesses that have positively affected Burbank, the float features landmarks such as Bob Hope Airport, the Warner Bros. water tower and the Bob's Big Boy character, as well as a film strip lining the edge of the float.
The film strip includes proposed pictures of Bob Hope, Johnny Carson and Walt Disney, as well as the Cartoon Network logo.
"This has been one of the more challenging floats I've been involved in," said Steve Edward, vice president of the association.
In addition to images associated with Burbank, the float committee has a few special items planned for the 2011 float, organizers said.
With City Hall as the focal point of the float at 35 feet tall, and requiring some special maneuvering capabilities, the stars at the front of the float will come alive in a pyrotechnic display during the televised portion of the parade.
In addition, an animated airplane will spin around Bob Hope Airport towards the back of the float.
The most interactive part of the float, however, will be the live Internet video feed broadcast from the camera at the top of the giant boom stand that will allow people around the world to experience what the float sees as it happens in the parade.
After winning the Animation Trophy this past year, Edward said he hopes this year's entry will be recognized for representing life in California or possibly life in the U.S., as the Burbank Rose Parade Assn. has never been honored with either distinction.
The projected cost of the float this year is about $100,000, with $60,800 coming from the city.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Class '66 Friends Meet for Lunch

At Santoro's on May 19, 2010
From Paul Bittle, "We had a good time but half the guys left before we got around to taking the picture."
Left to right, Ron Coen, Mike Ewing, Tom Chesnut, Bruce Keswick (back), Greg Alaimo (front), Paul Bittle
Btw, their class is planning their 45th reunion next year, so please pass the word and contact Linda for more info at
Friday, July 23, 2010
Military Tribute by KISS
Please watch this. My Marine grandson has come back from number two war zone. He lost so many friends. He's not been able to contact us so we are sitting back and waiting for him to find himself and come home. We all feel life is ruff and we seem to forget our boys who come home in a box or come home devastated with so much pain their unable to relate with family. I want to thank Carol for sending this to me so I can share it with my friends, LETS NOT GET SO CAUGHT UP IN OUR LIVES THAT WE FORGET OUR BOYS and their families. Life does not seem so tuff when you think about our young men fighting to live, fighting to save there friends, fighting to save their Country and all the losses they have had to face as young solders. We pray our young man will come back to us.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
Update from Carol Nicholls Lebrecht
Hi Cathy,
I retired from the Dept of Justice as of June 30, 2010. My family was able to make it to my retirement party in Sacramento, except for Cathy and John who were waiting the arrival of their grandson.

The first thing I did was to drive to LA for two weeks to see family and friends.
Here is Cathy with her new grandson, Clint (CJ) named after his Dad.
We went to Vicki Peters Stigile for her 4th of July Party in Oxnard. Pictured here is Cathy Nicholls Coyle, Cynthia McCarthy Hirsch, Carol Nicholls Lebrecht, Vicki Peters Stigile and her sister Sue who graduated in 1965.

I attended the Senior Bulldog Luncheon at the Elks Club in Burbank. Dona Foy Bruckner, Scott and Mr & Mrs Bruckner were all there for their first time.
Pictured here from back to front are John and Pam Kirkwood '64, Linda Mustion '67, Trudie Lombard Hentze '65, John Coyle '65, Mr Bruckner, Doug Bruckner '61, Don Ray '67, Scott Bruckner '66, George Colvin '65, Pat Maker Soderblom '65, Dona Foy Bruckner '67, Cathy Nicholls Coyle '67, Catherine Nicholls '38, Carol Nicholls Lebrecht '67 and Jerry McWilliams '66.

Cathy and John bought a cabin across the street from Carol Brown Baker and her husband Dave. We had a nice time visiting and going to the community barbeque.

Now I am home again looking forward to more time with my grandkids.
Carol Nicholls Lebrecht
Friday, July 16, 2010
And if you find yourself in this situation where your email has been hijacked, the fix is to change your password.
Subject: HELP!!!
Date: Friday, July 16, 2010, 11:22 AM
I'm sorry for this odd request because it might get to you too urgent but it's just the situation of things right now, We're presently stuck in Scotland , we came down here on vacation. we were robbed, worse of it is that bag, cash and credit cards was stolen at GUN POINT, it's such a crazy experience for us and we need help with flying back home, the authorities are not being 100% supportive but the good thing is we still have our passports but don't have enough money to get on a plane back home, please we need you to loan us some money till we get back home to refund it back.
Scott Nave
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Update from the Gulf July 14 2010

I saw them too but not from above but from the shore as birds were were having a feast!
The beaches have been totally beautiful!

These photos are not mine but are from Facebook and I especially like this one of both the bridges.

Btw, today my 12 yr old granddaughter caught her first King fish of the new city pier (furthest away) and I believe it was also the first King caught on the pier as well!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Burbank a Century Ago
(from the 2009 City of Burbank Citywide Historic Context Report - thanks Wes Clark for the link!)
And speaking of 1910, received the following email today... Interesting!
In 1910
The average life expectancy for men was 47 years.
Fuel for this car was sold in drug stores only.
Only 14 percent of the homes had a bathtub.
Only 8 percent of the homes had a telephone.
There were only 8,000 cars and only 144 miles of paved roads.
The maximum speed limit in most cities was 10 mph.
The tallest structure in the world was the Eiffel Tower !
The average US wage in 1910 was 22 cents per hour.
The average US worker made between $200 and $400 per year.
A competent accountant could expect to earn $2000 per year,
A dentist $2,500 per year, a veterinarian between $1,500 and $4,000 per year, and a mechanical engineer about $5,000 per year.
More than 95 percent of all births took place at HOME.
Ninety percent of all Doctors had NO COLLEGE EDUCATION!
Instead, they attended so-called medical schools, many of which
Were condemned in the press AND the government as 'substandard.'
Sugar cost four cents a pound.
Eggs were fourteen cents a dozen.
Coffee was fifteen cents a pound.
Most women only washed their hair once a month, and used Borax or egg yolks for shampoo.
Canada passed a law that prohibited poor people from entering into their country for any reason.
The Five leading causes of death were:
1. Pneumonia and influenza
2. Tuberculosis
3. Diarrhea
4. Heart disease
5. Stroke
The American flag had 45 stars.
The population of Las Vegas , Nevada , was only 30!
Crossword puzzles, canned beer, and iced tea hadn't been invented yet.
There was no Mother's Day or Father's Day.
Two out of every 10 adults couldn't read or write and
Only 6 percent of all Americans had graduated from high school.
Marijuana, heroin, and morphine were all available over the counter at the local corner drugstores.
Back then pharmacists said, 'Heroin clears the complexion, gives buoyancy to the mind,
Regulates the stomach and bowels, and is, in fact, a perfect guardian of health'
( Shocking? DUH! )
Eighteen percent of households had at least one full-time servant or domestic help.
There were about 230 reported murders in the ENTIRE U.S.A.!
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Paul McCauley (BHS '67) 1949-2010
Sad to share this news. Paul would have graduated from BHS in 1967 but moved to Granda Hills. This is his 11th grade photo from the 1966 Ceralbus yearbook.
Received this email today from Alan Landros (BHS '70):
Do you remember a letter you posted on the '67 blog about March from Paul McCauley? He said his family moved away after 11th grade, and that he would have loved to have finished at BHS, and to have known you in high school. I think you gave me his email address so I could write him and ask if Molly McCauley who stated with me in kindergarten, was a sister to him. She moved during John Muir days. I wrote Paul, and he wrote right back and told me Molly was one of his sisters. I must have mentioned our BHS '70 reunion, since Paul wanted me to be sure to let Molly know about it. Well, I let her know, and even though she moved from Burbank after 8th grade she came last weekend from South Dakota for our reunion! She sat next to me at my table. In fact we had four different ladies who all moved during or after Muir, who all came - Lake Tahoe, San Rafael, and corona, besides Molly. The point of the story is, at the end of the evening Molly said she wanted to tell me something she hadn't wanted to tell me earlier that evening. Her brother, Paul McCauley, had died the day before our reunion, (which would have been June 26)! He was the one who reconnected Molly and me, and she came for our reunion from so far, and then he died the day before the reunion! Molly said Paul had cancer, but none of the family knew it was as bad as it obviouly was, and didn't expect his death!
Alan L.
PS Paul was the fourth of 10 children in the McCauley family. The second child, Tim McCauley, BHS '64, also passed away from cancer a few years ago, as did their mother when she was young. Paul was a CPA and lived in Marina del Rey.
And here is the email Paul sent me March 12, 2010:
Hi Cathy,
Sorry to say I never made your acquaintance at BHS but I did attend Jefferson Elementary, Muir JHS and BHS 1964-1966. I would have graduated in June, 1967 except for a family move to Granada Hills. Missed my old friends and gang, but the experience of moving and making new friends can be fulfilling - and was. You have put much effort into the Web and obviously have scored BIGTIME with you classmates. Well done!!
Feel like asking - where were you hiding when I atttended BHS? It hurts to now know what I missed.
Paul McCauley
Please keep Paul's family and loved ones in your prayers...
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Senior Bulldog Lunch @ Monday, July 5
Details HERE.

Thursday, July 1, 2010
Patsy Cline Lip Sync Fun
Just read that Patsy tragically died in 1963 in a plane crash at the age of 30, so these songs were recorded right before that. (wikipedia)