Our deepest condolences to Charlotte Ryan and her family on the passing of her twin sister and our fellow classmate, Sharon Ryan Martin on September 4, 2007. Our prayers and thoughts are with you, Charlotte. (Memorial Page)________ Sharon ______________ Charlotte _______
Here is Charlotte's recent email about Sharon.
Dear Rebecca
I am looking at the date of your e-mail, May 30, when I first heard from you. A lot has happened in three months. I was so excited to hear from you, and I immediately forwarded your letter and picture to Sharon, but she was in the hospital with severe abdominal pain, which we thought was appendicitis.
To make a long story short. She was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer that was already in the fourth stage, having spread to her lung, bones, and liver. I went up to her right away and stayed with her the whole summer. She had two treatments of chemotherapy, but steadily got worse, and died on Sept.4th. She never did read your e-mails or see your pictures. This is a link to the obituary. Maybe you could leave a message to her kids.
http://www.legacy.com/CAN-Montreal/Obituaries.asp?Page=LifeStory&PersonId=93899609She left a husband, and three kids. Jonathan is out of school, and working as a carpenter. Anna is 17 and just started junior college, and Jessica just turned 12 and is starting high school.
How did the reunion turn out? Did you see anybody you knew?
I have 3 kids. Kristie is 27 and just got married to Tony last November. Gordon was married the March before Kristie, but he and his wife Lauren already had a daughter who just turned 6 (Hailey), and my youngest MJ (Martha Jean) is 23 and living at home still. Gordon's wife Lauren was expecting Daniel the 30th of Sept. so I had come home to be with her, and my sister from Michigan was up with Sharon. The baby did not arrive, and Sharon died while I was home, on Sept. 4th.(Tuesday) So I went back up to Montreal, the funeral was on Friday, and we came back to New Jersey right away and Daniel arrived on Saturday......so the Lord gives and takes away and we must say "Blessed be the name of the Lord".....
So now I am back home and trying to regroup, and I hope I can reconnect with you and keep in touch.
Love Charlotte
Subject: Re: Hi, it's Charlotte Ryan from Burbank High School '67
What fun to hear from you again and see your web site. I'm really not sure where you are living....in relation to Burbank...I should look it up.
Sharon is not well. She has been very unwell for quite a few years, mostly lung related, she developed this adult onset asthma about 5-6 years ago. She had her children late in life....she has an 11 yr. old, girl, 16 yr. old girl, just graduating high school, and a 18 yr. old son. Last week she was admitted to the hospital with a lump in her abdomen( seems about 8 cm and looks attached to ovaries) and several "spots" in other places...after a week of all kinds of tests, it seems not to be cancer, so they are trying to decide what it is.
I forwarded your letter to her. She should be able to come home from the hospital for the weekend, and she will get it then.She will be glad to hear from you.
We both got married the same summer (74) to Canadian boys who were friends. We both lived in Montreal our first year of marriage. Then my husband and I moved to Toronto, where we lived for 11 years, and had three children. Then we moved to New Jersey when my husband needed to change jobs, and we have been here ever since. Last year was a big year for us when the oldest girl (Kristie) and only boy (Gordon) both got married. We still have Martha living home with us. She is 23. You would think with all the weddings I could come up with a picture of just us,...I'll have to look again. We have lots of the kids! I do have one of Sharon's family...I'll send that.
I loved seeing your web site.!!
Love Charlotte
P.S This is Sharon and her husband David. The girl in the bridesmaids dress is Anna, Jonathan is behind and the youngest is Jessica.

Charlotte, husband Daniel, granddaughter Hailey, grandson Daniel (Gordon's kids)

Dan & Charlotte (Kristie's wedding)

Charlotte's Children - Back row: Lauren (daughter-in-law), Gordon (son), Tony (son-in law) Front row: Hailey (granddaughter from Gordon), Martha Jean (daughter), Kristie (daughter)

Rebecca Sorenson and Charolotte
NOTE: The Guest Book for Sharon Martin (Ryan) will remain online at The Gazette Remembering until October 5, 2007.