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Saturday, December 1, 2007

Burbank High School Centennial Celebration

The following was provided to me by Dave Thomson back in September but I will update it if it changes:

Tentative Schedule of Events

THURSDAY, 9/11/08
3:00 – 8:00 PM (every ½ hour) Campus tours given by ASB/Key Club students
6:00 – 8:00 PM Barbeque dinner catered by Shawn Stevens in quad (confirmed by Elsie Jeffers)
7:00 PM Musical performances by current student groups – held in auditorium with video/audio feed to quad (screen set-up similar to recent JBHS VMA competition)
·1 Band/orchestra
·2 Choirs
·3 Dance

FRIDAY, 9/12/08
12:30 – 1:30 PM Trivia Contest at lunchtime in the quad (Bruce – MC?)
3:00 – 8:00 PM (every ½ hour) Campus tours given by ASB/Key Club students
5:30 – 7:30 PM Hall of Fame ceremony in gym
6:30 – 10:00 PM Dinner – something similar to Taste of Burbank, with local restaurants setting up booths throughout campus, including tents on baseball field; tables/chairs set up throughout campus
·1 Solicit participation of local restaurants with all food contributed at no charge
·2 Sell wristbands to identify who may be served
·3 Participating restaurants listed as sponsors in all publicity material – website, invitations, press releases
·4 Individual group sports (football, basketball, baseball, softball, volleyball etc. could set up specific areas for congregating)
·5 Place banners around the campus to signify where particular groups should meet

SATURDAY, 9/13/08
10:00 AM Parade
·1 Grand Marshall ideas: Debbie Reynolds, Anson Williams, Mitch Vogel
·2 Starting point – McCambridge Park; route will go down Amherst to Scott Road (right), right on Glenoaks and end at Burbank High
·3 Participants:
o Alumni band
o Alumni cheer
o Float or individual cars with past homecoming queens and kings
o Current band
o Current cheer
o Former teachers and administrators
o Former sports teams or Hall of Fame honorees from Friday night
o Oldest alumni
11:00 AM to 5:00 PM (every ½ hour) Campus tours given by ASB/Key Club students
11:00 AM Tailgate Party
·1 Use tents/tables/chairs on baseball field
·2 Catered barbeque (Bruce to ask Handy Market?)
1:00 PM Football Game
6:30 PM (cocktails);
7:30 PM (dinner) Gala
·1 Pickwick
·2 DJ
·3 Alumni groups (band, choir) to perform
·4 Era dress – 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, etc.
·5 Dance teacher, Myra Santini, to coordinate with DJ to lead in dances of the particular eras to encourage guest participation

Time TBD (Evening) Class of 1958 Reunion at Pickwick

SUNDAY, 9/14/08
Class '67 Breakfast at Fred and Joan (Nobile) Ortega's

11:00 AM Picnic at BHS, using tents/tables/chairs on baseball field
·1 Car show, possibly Road Kings, with cars grouped by era out on track
·2 Food provided by Kiwanis for Fun (confirmed)
·3 Invite participation from all other service groups in Burbank
o Rotary
o Kiwanis
o Elks
·4 Booths by decade – music, clothes, hairstyles, TV shows (editing project for video class – edit together clips of popular shows from each era and have continuous play of video at picnic at each booth
Time TBD (Evening) Class of 1968 Reunion at The Castaway

TBD Fashion Show during these four days or sometime during the centennial year
TBD Staff lunch/dinner

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