Tell Us Your Story

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Remember Tim Morgon?

I remember Tim from the Ice House and he also sang at BHS. Thanks Chris Peterson for the link!

I bet there are classmates and friends that remember this performer of "our time".



Found a website where you can listen to a couple of short clips here and here and here and here and here and here!

"Tim Morgon walked into an empty coffee house in Balboa, California in the fall of 1959 and started singing. He was asked to come back and sing for pay the next weekend. He was there for almost 6 years playing for packed houses, three sets a night on weekends and throughout the summer. He recorded 4 albums from 1963 to 65, and they all sold very well. Because of poor management, Tim never received any compensation for the record sales, and his career was stifled. He was able to keep singing, headlining at the Ice House, Pasadena and Glendale, and clubs throughout the Southern California area with an occasional gig in the midwest. He sang voice-overs for TV and movies, and commercials and performed on stage for the last time July 31, 1981. Although he hasn't performed for over 20 years, his name is still remembered by his followers from the 60s and 70s. Now his fans can step back in time and once again enjoy the music that was a big part of their lives when they were growing up in Southern California. You can contact Tim at, he would love to hear from you."

AND here is a photo of Tim from our yearbook when he sang at the Father-Daughter banquet.

JULY 22, 2008 UPDATE
Below is the email exchange between Chris (Jay) Peterson and Tim Morgon. And if you have something you'd like to share with Tim, please drop him an email!

From: Jay Peterson
Sent: Monday, July 21, 2008 2:40 PM
Subject: where ya been?

Greetings Mr. Morgon,

With the creation of the internet I guess anyone can be found! I submitted your website information to one of my classmates at Burbank High School that has created a beautiful blog for our class. You will find yourself as the most recent entry to date and one that I take pride in submitting. I had seen you at the Glendale Ice House in the late 1960's and was inspired to learn to play guitar and also am experiencing some arthritic pain in my hands and wrists. Some day my 1969 Martin D-35 will hopefully go to a deserving relative, friend or aspiring musician. It is my privilege to thank you for making your choice of career music and presenting that art form to so many that have truly enjoyed your talent. I hope all is with you and your family and hope that soon one day you perform at some kind of out-of-retirement concert! I would love to attend would gladly shout any lyrics you need help with.

Jay Christopher Peterson
BHS class of '67


Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2008 8:47 AM
Subject: Re: where ya been?

Thank you so much for the kind words and taking the time to write. And also for putting the article and link on your BHS blog. I just recently got an email from one of your fellow students, Dona Porcaro-Bruckner. It is truly a wonderful feeling to be remembered in such a positive way. I still have my old Martin 00028C and a few other guitars. I think my grandson may be interested. He is only 4, but shows a very good musical ability. I hope I can pass my guitars on to him or someone that will enjoy them as I have. One thing I might say about the blog. I don't want to sound unappreciative, but the in heading "Remember Tim Morgon ?", my name is misspelled using an 'a' instead of an 'o', but it is correct below that on the link. No big deal, but I thought you might want to know. Again thank you and I really can't see a "reunion concert" in the near future, but if there is one, you will surely be notified. Tim

--- end ---

And now that I have the correct spelling of Tim's last name, I found a few youtube video clips of him!

Dirty Feet Part 1 of 3
"This 1965 folk/surf-genre film was shot on location at The Prison of Socrates in Balboa, California. It was restored on DVD in 2004."


Part 2 of 3


Part 3



  1. Received this email today:

    saw the blog about performance at Burbank HS from Dirty Feet. The footage in the movie, I thought was Newport Harbor High, but strange I did not recognize anyone. This is the answer. All the girls had the same hairdo in So Cal at that time.

    Mike Buford
    Costa Mesa native

  2. Thanks for the eamil Mike.

    Tim performed live at Burbank High and the movie was not filmed there. He was/is a great singer who we enjoyed back then.



  3. We couldn't figure out at which high school the concert was held in the movie, so I emailed Tim and here is his reply:

    Thanks again for the mention in the blog. The high school assembly in 'Dirty Feet' was Covina H.S. out in San Gabriel Valley. I'm not sure why they picked that school, but in one scene you can see 'Covina' written on the wall behind the crowd after a song. It's only on for a brief second.


  4. How do I get his music
