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Sunday, October 9, 2011

Andrea's Latest Dog Tale!

From Andrea Moxness, BHS 67:

Please see my latest dog transport story at:
Hope you enjoy it!
Thanks for your support.

Kelly, The Hound of Lickervilles

Is this a beautiful dog, or what? Kelly, a most wonderful hound-mix, was my latest rescue transport. This picture speaks volumes about her.

Yesterday, my friend, Carol, and I traveled to a little town called Bethel, about one hour and 45 minutes away, to meet Kelly behind the Midway Diner -- which was a step back in time. Way back. But that's another story for another time. After all, underdograilroad is about dog transports, not diners.

Kelly, without a doubt, was the quietest of the ten dogs who arrived by three separate cars from Ohio. We were given an excited barking concert when the other nine dogs realized they were about to be released from their taxis for a little walk and drinkie-poo before being loaded into a large van destined for a safe-harbor shelter in Connecticut. Our little Kelly, however, was coming with us as she had a foster family to welcome her in Trooper, PA.

Kelly seemed genuinely happy to meet me and Carol. As you may have guessed, she was very generous with her "lickerville" kisses, and here I am graciously accepting one. The barking symphony continued, while Kelly remained quiet. Carol spent some time admiring the handsomeness and beauty of the other dogs, while I watered and walked Kelly. I was already in love by then.

Finally, we loaded her into the back seat of my car, and we were off. As has happened so many times on previous transports, Kelly wanted to sit in front with us. She was a strong little devil, so after traveling only a mile or two down Route 78, we took an offramp, pulled into a gas station, and transferred Carol into the back seat. I didn't have a towel for Carol to lay on, so she had to share Kelly's. But no one seemed to mind. Kelly settled down then, content to no longer be the only one relegated to the back seat. The rest of the ride was uneventful.

Kelly's foster father, Brian, was at the appointed spot to meet us, and Kelly took to him right away. Perhaps she understood she would stay with him and his family for a little while, until she found her forever home. Brian told us that he has fostered 31 dogs over the last two years. That makes Brian pretty darn special in my book. That equals more than one foster dog per month. He spoke about how his family and several neighbors look forward to the arrival of each foster dog, and that his fosters always meet the other dogs in the neighborhood. I'm confident that Kelly will enjoy her temporary life with Brian and his family. Brian works from home, so he's able to spend a lot of time with each dog in his care. So hip, hip hooray for Brian! Now, there's a hero!

So, another successful transport. Brian promises he'll send me an update on Kelly. She is totally adoptable, a real people pleaser who loves anyone and everyone. You may check her out at:

I'm home today, nursing my lonely heart, since I loved and lost so quickly. But Kelly is the best, and I just know she'll find her forever home real soon. Or who knows? Maybe she'll even end up with Brian forever. You never can tell.

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