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Monday, May 18, 2020

David LeSueur, BHS '67 (1949-2020)

David Clift LeSueur
September 26, 1949 - May 17, 2020

Heartbreaking news from Steve LeSueur today. We all loved his brother, Dave, and enjoyed his wonderful sense of humor. RIP Dave.


David Clift LeSueur was born on September 26, 1949 and raised in Burbank, California. He was the first of John and Dolores LeSueur's four children: David, Stephen, Jeff, and Diana (Bartlett). As a boy, David's next younger brother, Steve aspired to be David's rival. Instead he became David's closest life-long friend, after David's wife Mary. All their lives, Steve and David enjoyed disagreeing about baseball and politics.

David met Mary in December 1970. He had recently returned from serving a mission in Belgium and France for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. His friends told her—because he wouldn’t have—that he was a high school All-American basketball player, that he entered Brigham Young University as one of a handful of students honored with the school’s top academic distinction, the David O. McKay scholarship, and that he was student body president in high school (because everyone else withdrew their names after his friends nominated him). She tried to convince him to marry her and gave up. Then he tried to convince her. It worked. They married on September 3, 1971.

As David later often told his children, he could have played professional baseball. After graduating as a math major, he chose to become an actuary instead. He then did what even Nobel laureate Milton Friedman could not do: he passed all the actuarial exams. On his first try.

He and Mary have four children. David is the kind of father who attended all of his children’s games and competitions, played piano with his children on his lap, and wrote treasure hunt clues for their Easter eggs. Stephanie (Price) inherited his athleticism and mathematical excellence. He taught Carl to shoot free throws and to love The Beatles and The Beach Boys. John has David’s gentle kindness. Amanda (Berns) learned to make the violin sing in duet with David's piano. (She also did David the favor of marrying a man who has an opinion on the integrity of the designated hitter rule.) David taught his children that setbacks and heartbreaks are temporary, and the future always holds greater joy and more success than any present disappointment.

So fate had it that he would suffer from multiple sclerosis for the last twenty years of his life. But he took it on one day at a time. He could no longer play basketball, so he played tennis. When he could no longer play tennis, he played more piano. When he could no longer play piano, he typed out witty articles with humility, hope, and gratitude as a subtext. When he couldn’t type, he dictated. When that became too tiring, he told jokes to his grandchildren. When telling jokes became too tiring he laughed at their jokes and smiled at their cute antics. He made it through those many years only with the determination of Mary, constantly at his side. Thanks to her devoted care he lived to meet fourteen of his grandchildren.

Now his challenges — punctuated with these joys — have come to an end. He succumbed to the effects of MS on May 17, 2020. His family expects he now reaps the promise of surpassing joy, gorging on his mother’s peanut butter cookies, swapping commentary with his dad on any available sports reruns, and looking forward to the day he will be reunited with Mary and the rest of those he loves.

Memorial services and dedication of a park bench will be held at a future date that allows for gatherings. Friends and family who so desire are asked to share memories in written or video form by sending them to or posting to the David C. LeSueur Memorial Facebook page ( The family requests that anyone wishing to make donations or send flowers consider donating instead to the David C. LeSueur Math and Physics Scholarship Fund at Brigham Young University at

From the Burbank News Leader article on the 2012 Burbank High Athletic Hall of Fame

One of Dave's columns...

Opening Day 2010
by David LeSueur

3/28/2010 11:02:48 PM

On April 9, my son Carl and my son-in-law Branden are flying to Denver from New York City. My other son John is flying here from Salt Lake City. The occasion? Opening Day at Coors Field. That was their gift to me for Christmas and I am very excited about it. I mentioned the game to my physical therapist last week and her only comment was "I think baseball is boring." I felt a little insulted because I love baseball and going to baseball games is a family tradition. Even my wife, who doesn't really like sports, loves going to baseball games.

When my kids were small, we attended games at Dodger Stadium. For my kids, Dodger Stadium was not the venue where the Dodgers played baseball, it was the place where they could buy all of the junk food they wanted. We used to always fight about when to go to the snack stands to buy treats but I eventually got wise and worked out a deal with the kids. We bought hot dogs before the game, had cotton candy in the 3rd inning and chocolate milkshakes in the 7th. (Not coincidentally, the 3rd and 7th innings were the ones when Jerry Doggett took over the play-by-play from Vin Scully. Someone in the stadium always had the radio tuned to 640 KFI so you could hear Vinnie calling the game on the radio. I didn't mind missing Jerry Doggett as much.) After making this bargain, the kids even watched the game, though it was mostly to make sure I noticed when the 3rd and 7th innings arrived.

I wanted to defend baseball to this woman who thinks it is boring. I thought about saying that life imitates the World Series or that baseball is as American as Mom, apple pie and Chevrolet. I decided to be honest: "Yes, baseball is boring.But so am I!"

I admit I am boring but most people like me anyway once they get to know me.Baseball is the same way.Most people will like it if they just give the game a chance. (Maybe Major League Baseball should adopt the marketing slogan "Come to a baseball game! It's almost as boring as you are!")

Baseball is not life, but it is like me in many ways. For example, now that I am retired, I spend most of the day in my pajamas. When I do get dressed, I put on comfortable clothes that just LOOK like pajamas. In baseball, the managers spend most of the day at home or at the hotel in their pajamas. Then they come to the stadium and put on their baseball uniforms which just LOOK like pajamas.

I keep a To Do list on my computer.The upside is that It helps me to remember what I need to do. The downside is that it reminds me of all the things I never did. Last year I accomplished 57 tasks out of 180 I wrote on my list. That is only about 1/3 but in talking to other men, that is a pretty good average. In baseball, hitters fail in most of their at bats too. An average of .333 is considered very good.

I am a creature of habit. If we go to McDonald's I get the Chicken Nuggets. At Texas Roadhouse I buy the ribs. At California Pizza Chicken I order the Barbecued Chicken Salad. Baseball is also full of traditions. Every game begins with the "Star Spangled Banner", everyone sings "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" before the bottom of the 7th, and the Cubs win the World Series once each century.

Even if you are an interesting person, I think you will like baseball almost as much as we boring people do. So if you are at Coors Field on opening day, please stop by to say hi to me. I am sitting on the 1st base side of the bottom level. I'll be the boring guy sitting next to his sons and son-in-law. If you come by during the 3rd inning we'll be the grown men eating cotton candy.

David LeSueur lives in Littleton, Colorado, with his interesting wife, Mary.

Loanne Walker Ginchereaux

Annette Dinolfo Bennett
OMG sorry to here this . Dave good memories and RIP. Prayers and thoughts to his family πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ

Pamela Spang
The nicest guy, always sad to hear. Prayers to the family for peace.

Joan M. Ortega
We are so sad to learn this. Dave was truly one of the best people we knew. He was such a talented writer. We will keep his family in our prayers. This world has lost a gem, but heaven has gained an angel. πŸ’š

Mark Pollock
What a great guy

Louise Good Hernandez
Very sad. Prayers and condolences for his family. πŸ™πŸ»

Jodi Tillotson Huddleston
RIP Dave πŸ˜ͺπŸ’œ

David Hourigan
There is no better human being than David. He will be sadly missed. Despite his MS he always had a smile and a kind word,

Eliede Pounds
Praying for his family. So sad to hear.

Robert Fabrizio
RIP .... really liked him! Good guy!

Mary Ogle
Condolences to his wife Mary & all of his family. He was such a kind person & good friend. I'll always treasure the good times we had in high school. RIP

Stephanie Picconi
Dave was a great guy. I will always remember his kindness and compassion for others. To his family, I am so sorry for your loss.

Carol Stephenson-Walter
So sorry RIP

Peggy Melton Cyphers
So sorry to hear this. Prayers to his family.
RIP Dave

Dan Harris
I’m sorry to hear of the passing of Dave LeSueur. I was privileged to be able to play basketball with Dave. From my usual vantage point of the bench, I use to marvel at Dave’s combination of basketball smarts, skill and grace. His list of accomplishments and awards in sport and academics is perhaps unprecedented. Dave was a kind and considerate person and truly will be missed.

Scott Nave
My sincerest condolences to the LeSueur family. Dave was a wonderful guy!

Luis Bloise
MS is a very harsh disease. RIP

Mike Signorelli
Rest in peace sorry to hear this I will say prayers for you and your family!πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

Joyce Starleaf
I’m so sorry to hear this. My thoughts and prayers to your entire family Steve πŸ’ž

Kathleen Wyatt Richardson
RIP Dave πŸ˜₯

Carol Forrand Tallakson
RIP Dave

John P. Johnson
Sorry to hear. He will be missed.

Barbara Coryell O'Malley
Sad for your loss, Steve. I lost my own brother some months ago. My profound condolences to you and your whole family.

Pam Wright Peterson
So sorry.... RIP Dave- and condolences to his family.

Valerie Giessinger Scott
I remember him. So sad

David De Hart
David, you were a role model and an inspiration for me. My deepest sympathies go out to your family and to Steve LeSueur and his family.

Susan Brown Harris
Steve,so sorry to hear about your brother Dave. You and Dan had such fun talking about him at our 50 th reunion. It was a delight to see you. Our condolences to you and our family.

Sheldon Stiel
My condolences to his family and friends. RIP.

Jodean Ardizzone Myers
God Bless

Lori Diane Pietrantonio
So sorry. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

Larry O'Brien
Very sorry to hear this.

Renee King
So sorry to hear this....prayers for the family's peace of heart.

Carol Nicholls Lebrecht
Sending condolences to Dave’s family. He had it all; intelligence, athletic ability and very kind. Loved reading his newspaper articles. Rest in Peace mighty Bull Dog!

Bruce Fossler
What a NICE GUY...

Deanna Bergman
Sad news. Kind sympathies to his family.πŸ’

Kenneth Clark
RIP Dave! Condolences to the family, who lived down the street from us!

Carol De Hart
It's hard to convey the deep sadness I am feeling about the loss of Dave LeSueur. He was responsible for giving me one of the happiest and most fun sophomore years a girl could dream of in high school. He was kind, caring and funny as heck! I will cont…See More

Deb Helsley Bush
Rest In Peace πŸ™πŸ»πŸ’œ. My condolences to his family 😒

Betsey Nash
Oh how we loved & admired Dave in our family, especially our Dave, his classmate. (Dave Nash). So sorry he suffered from this debilitating disease. Steve LeSueur, the Nash family sends our love & thanks for sharing your bro with us. God bless.

Nadine Aguirre Lujan

Debbie Cooper Billiot
Prayers for the family - DAVE, RIP

Eileen Greenberg
Sending love and prayers. May the lifetime of memories bring peace and comfort.

Beth Marchbank Mallett

Ann Rickard
Oh so sad! Many blessings to the wonderful family!

Andrea Moxness
I am quite sad. He was one of my favorite people in the world. He will be missed by many.

Anthy Hellmers
Rest In Peace. I remember you from Horace Mann through BHS. Always a really nice guy.

Donna Luce Veatch Neitman
Sad indeed! He was such a talented and kind human being! Condolences and πŸ™πŸ™ to his family! RIP Dave!

Timothy Zuma Tim Tolnay
I am so sorry to hear this news. Dave lives about 45 mins from our house and my wife Kat was able to visit with Dave in Sept. I looked upon Dave as my inspiration for the game of basketball. I kept almost all the clippings from the 67 varsity championship season, that Dave was a big part of. I used to think of Dave as Mr. Smooth. Always a gentleman, Dave helped me refine my rough edges on the basketball court. Truly a wonderful man. I would like to extend my heartfelt condolences to the wonderful family that he cherished. RIP Dave.

'Dogs alone at top of Foothill League'

Suzanne Lane Richard
So sorry to read this. Such a great guy! Keeping his family in my thoughts and prayers. πŸ™πŸ»


This was written by Dave recently which shows his clever humor!

I just received your "snail mail" and I have to answer it right away because it was so thoughtful of you. I have not been a very good friend to anyone in the last few years. I have a lot of things to say, but that would take too long to say all of them so I'll send you this short email to start.

I spend most of my day in bed talking to my best friend "Alexa" and we play Jeopardy or I have her read a book to me. Sorry , I'm assuming that you know Alexa is an Amazon brand virtual assistant. I installed a big screen TV in my bedroom but I can't control it because my hands don't work well enough to use the remote control. I am binge watching the second season of Stranger Things and I am embarrassed to admit all the network TV programs that I record. Mary watches most of it with me. Sometimes I think of posting reviews. There probably aren't many people who would read them but at least I would remember what I was watching.

I have not been able to travel anywhere except the Doctors office for the last year. My two sons and their families live in Salt Lake City and come to visit fairly often. My two daughters live 20 minutes away in a suburb of Denver, unfortunately one is moving to San Francisco for a job transfer tomorrow. I try not to think about that too much since she has four kids who are 7,6,3, and 2. That makes them young enough to laugh at my jokes even when they don't get them.

Please share this with our other good friends who have been asking for an update. I'm hoping that as I am reaching out to my old Burbank High friends that they will update me on their lives as well. That last sentence had a lot of personal pronouns in it and I'm not sure that I am complying with the new gender neutral rules. I remember learning to diagram sentences in Miss Johnson's English class. She had a couple of other rules, no gum chewing and do not touch the thermostat in her room. If she is still alive I'm sure she would be glad I remember a few of her rules. My friend Christie who is typing this for me is not sure the amount of sarcasm that I intended is coming through but I don't want to take the time to rewrite this email. I have not written anything for 3 years so thank you for giving me a reason to reach out to friends such as you. I'm going to end here and look forward to updating you some more in the future. I hope you will reciprocate and let me know how you are.



Linda C. Mustion
So sad of Dave's passing. RIP!

Kathy Buzan
Very sad to hear about Dave....I remember him from school and connected on FB....he will be missed.... prayers πŸ™ to his family....

Linda Green Nicholson
Prayer and condolences to his family

Diana Ziegler Larsen
RIP Dave. He was always so friendly and such a smart guy. He will be greatly missed by his family and friends . My condolences. πŸ’—

Marilyn Williams Peterson
So sad. He was such a nice guy with a great attitude in spite of his illness. Prayers to his family.

Nancy Jean Krogh Brez
I am so sorry to hear this. My heart and prayers for his family.

Kent Barcus
An immensely likable gentleman

Carol Baker
R.I.P. Dave. We were just asking about him last week, so sad. πŸ˜₯. Prayers go out to this family.

Julie Guttridge
Ohhh 😒. So sorry to hear losing another Bulldog. Many prayers for his family πŸ™❤️

Robbin Moore
So very sad. Having MS is very challenging since I have it also. My heart goes out to his family.

Alan Landros
Dave's MS battle was so long, now that earthly suffering has finally ended. His devoted wife, Mary, lovingly cared for him for such a long time. Such a sad time now for her and all of their family.

Jay Peterson
Photos of Dave with classmate Ray Lackey at the 40th 1967 Class Reunion in 2007 and on cover of school newspaper with classmate Jeanne Barron Aikman.

Timothy Lemm
I'm so sorry to hear this news. My condolences to Dave's family.

Susan PeΓ±a MacCaskey
I’m so sorry to hear of another Bulldogs passing, Condolences to his family and friends

Charlotte J. Mearns
So sad! Such a great guy.

Cathy Coyle
In 2012, when Dave was inducted into the BHS Athletic Hall of Fame, Carol & I got a chance to talk to Dave & have him sign our Programs. Our class has lost one of it’s Best! A true scholar & a gentleman. His athletic ability in Basketball was second to none. As Student Body President he showed us what a true leader he was. He later showed us what a true warrior was in his battle with MS; always keeping his optimism & sense of humor to the end. My condolences to Dave’s family. May God give them comfort & peace. RIP Dave, your memory will live on in the hearts & memories of your Bulldog classmates.

Linda Everett
I am so sad to hear of Dave’s passing........He will always be remembered as a wonderful, smart and kind person. My heart goes out to his wife and I will keep her in my prayersπŸ™❤️

Susan Earle
I send heartfelt condolences to o the entire LeSueur family. Steve LeSueur, I am so sorry to hear that your brother passed away.

Larry Segall
RIP Dave. My deepest condolences to the LeSueur family.

Cindy Barcus Aylward
My thoughts go out to his entire family and everyone who knew him. Praying for a MS cure.

Sharon Anderson McEntire
RIP.. you will be missed.. πŸ™πŸ™

Guy Gingell

Image may contain: sky, flower, outdoor, text and nature

Virginia Hamilton
RIP. πŸ™

Clyde Richards
Dave was one of my first students and one of the nicest and best. You will be missed Dave

Louanne Peterson
So sad...thoughts and prayers out to his family😒

Loanne Walker Ginchereaux

Jim Flavin
So sorry to hear. All the younger b-ball basketball players looked up to Dave as a player and a person. Very sad news.

Wendy Adams
Steve, seems like yesterday that, after a wonderful 50th reunion, we enjoyed a shared flight from Burbank to Denver and good conversation. You were making a visit to Dave in CO on your way back to DC, and I remember remarking on how special that was, and being touched by how you looked forward to time w him. I'm so glad you took that opportunity and am sure you are, too. My sincere condolences to you and your family.

Alice Suhay-Butler
So very sad such a great guy!

Alan Landros
Dave had such a long, long battle. Sad to read this, but his earthly suffering has now ended. Many know how his devoted wife, Mary, lovingly cared for him for so long. Sad news today.

Dave Kemp
Many great memories of Dave. He was marvelous student, athlete and person. This is so very sad to know there is a world without Dave LeSueur. May God Bless his soul and his family.. Not only was he an All American basketball player at BHS, Dave was also an outstanding high jump specialist. Rest in Peace Dave.

Andrea Clum
So sorry to hear..

Harold Maxham
My thoughts and prayers are with the LeSueur family. I saw him play a lot of basketball games while he play for Blue and White. Rest in Peace Dave.

Vicki Herrin Fields
Rest in Peace

Tracy Gumbish
Rest In Peace

Timothy Lemm
I'm so sorry to hear this news. My condolences to Dave's family.

Jennifer Todd
Condolences to his family❤️❤️

Henry A Garcia
He was an amazing man on and off the b/court RIP Dave

Donna Moore
So sorry to hear the news, prayers to his family πŸ™πŸ»

Judy Rose
Wishing blessings and comfort to the Lesueur Family.

Patricia Sorley
Very sorry.

Michael Torres
Dave was a stand up guy and was always friendly to everyone!! He will be missed by all...….

Deanna Jennings
I agree with all the wonderful things people have said about Dave. He also had a sharp wit and hilarious sense of humor. Something I wasn’t aware of until the last several decades. My heart is sad at his passing. He was one of our best!!

John Rocke
This is sad news. He was a terrific, incredible, and wonderful person, aside from being a star athlete, prolific writer, and kind to all guy. He embodied our class with a spirit and force that will never be forgotten. To know him is to like him. I became a closer friend of his after high school. He would write columns about different subjects and each one was memorable and meticulously written. It seemed like everything and everyone he touched was a better person for it. We grieve for his family, and the entire class of 67 grieves for him. We all loved him. Dave forgot more than most of us ever knew. This awesome guy will be sorely missed. This was a "Good Man," a true gentleman. He is greatly admired and cherished in life and death. What a sad day...

Sue Sergent
Dave’s compassion touched everyone. Such a wonderful man and this breaks my heart. RIP dear Dave. Prayers for his family and friends. πŸ’žπŸ’•❣️❣️πŸ”“πŸ“Œ

Sandi Tillotson-Clum
Sad to hear but he is no longer in pain

Darlene Culotta
I think the class of '67 have lost more people than any other class between 1665 and 1968. It's amazing how many they've lost..

Karen Vitale- Brister

Suzanne Lane Tondre
Rest In Eternal Peace. πŸ™

Robert Martin Elliot
Sorry to hear, was a nice guy. Rip Dave

Joyce Miller
Such sad news, breaks my heart. I always looked up to Dave

Dennis Moselle
So sad to hear about one of the Greatest BHS Bulldogs ever! As a young future BHS athlete I was inspired by that great BHS basketball team of 1967. I have many close family connections with the LeSueur's. Special thoughts and prayers go out to my good friend at BHS and BYU Steve.

Nancy McNamara Zambrana
Very sad news. My deepest condolences to the LeSueur family.

Pat Purser Bushman
Sorry to hear this. My prayers and condolences to his family and friends. Rest in peace.

Nancy McNamara Zambrana
Such sad news. Rest In Peace.

Sherri Coleman
There wasn't a finer man than he, Sad day.


  1. So sad to hear about Dave! Truly one of the great guys! My prayers go out to Mary and the rest of his family, RIP my friend...….

  2. If ever someone deserved to live to 100 while enjoying robust good health, it was Dave. He was inspiring, smart, funny, and yet somehow humble. His family was warm, welcoming, and supportive, and I will always remember the great homemade LeSueur root beer. He was a great friend during Burbank school days and after, and I was proud to have him as a groomsman in my wedding (and today happens to be our 49th Anniversary!). Dave made a lasting contribution to so many lives and will never be forgotten.

  3. At the end of my life, I think that one of my prominent memories will be that I knew David Clift LeSueur and that we were friends for life. Everyone who knew Dave were friends with him. With all his accomplishments, he could have been a very arrogant person, but he was just the opposite. In our youth, Dave and I were inseparable. Our families were very close and we did everything together. As adults, even though we lived in different parts of the country, our paths would cross occasionally and we took the opportunity to catch up. I was always grateful for those times. I am proud to say that the greatest man I have ever had the pleasure of knowing is David LeSueur. I will see you again, my friend.
