Tell Us Your Story

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Tell Us Your Story: Cathy Palmer

After high school, I did some college but left for a higher calling: Carhop at Bob's. Yes, my roommate, Nancy Bridgestock, and I were ready to make the big bucks. Ok that didn't happen but we did have fun. 

Wild and crazy sums up the following years until 1976 when I gave my heart to Jesus... best decision I ever made. And in spite of a broken marriage and being a single mom of two, the grace of God always kept me afloat physically and mentally. 

In high school, I took a drafting class mostly because it was filled with boys but guess what? I was good at it and I eventually had a wonderful career as a Technical Illustrator at Hewlett-Packard. 

Over the years, I'd gone on short term mission trips to several countries helping missionaries and sharing the Gospel. After my kids were grown, I went to Bible School and lived in Berlin Germany as a missionary, returning to the states in 2005. 

From there I lived in California and Florida, doing various types of office work until I retired a few years ago. Bought a ittle house in Panama City FL and now work part time at a local ESPN radio station, again doing misc work. 

My favorite pastimes are photography, genealogy, riding my bike, maintaining several websites and above all, enjoying my family. 

So just like you, I am very blessed!


  1. Cathy,
    I just heard from Dave Hourigan that his wife, Dawn Moselle Hourigan (also our classmate) passed away today. 7/21/24

    1. OH NO!!! I am so sorry… 😢

    2. Your name did not appear… please tell us who you are. Thanks.
