Tell Us Your Story

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Tell Us Your Story: Bruce McCormick

In honor of our 55th reunion, we are posting classmate stores from BHS 1967. We would like to get as many of our classmates as possible to submit their stories. And please pass the word to others who may not visit the website very often. Click the links on the right to see those that have been submitted. Thanks!

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Bruce McCormick


Marriage: Been there, done that. Been there, done that. Been there, done that. Done with that.
Kids: 2 boys, 41 and 37. One is the Director of Operations for a large architectural firm in S.F..The other is an M.D. working for Genentech.
Education: Freshman year at A.S.U., sophomore year at C.S.U.N., then 3 years at Cal Poly,S.L.O. where I got a B.S. in business with a minor in I.T. (and a commission into the U.S.Army). I eventually got an M.B.A. from the Claremont Graduate University. At one point Idropped out of the work force and just went back to school for a year and a half so I could take all of the “stuff” I had always wanted to take: theater arts, sign language, mountaineering, desert survival, native American studies, got my E.M.T. certification, a certification inhospitality management, etc, etc.
After Cal Poly, I spent 2 1/2 years in the Army stationed in Alaska doing computer work.
Career: 10 years in software development, 10 years in I.T. management, and about 10 years in I.T. consulting. 
Along the way, I was half owner of a large limo company in L.A. hauling around the likes of Tom Cruise, et. al. I also did some acting (on YouTube search for “2006 commercial for dirty jobs”) and wrote a book on Daoist philosophy (on Amazon, search for “daodejing bruce”). Am in the process of writing a novel and a play (Neither of which will ever be published, but I just enjoy writing).
After getting out of I.T., I spent about 5 years as special ed aide in Carpinteria (I had previously done volunteer work for Special Olympics).
Then I moved to a small town called Pierce in the Idaho mountains and got into sub teaching at the local H.S. and a local military academy. Then moved to Lewiston, Idaho, where I am now. I sub during the school year and work as a ranch hand when not teaching.


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