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Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Elvis 40 Years Ago

On June 27, 1968, Presley took the stage for the first time in over seven years resulting in four one-hour live shows taped at NBC's Burbank studios. This clip is of Elvis singing Jail House Rock.


6/25/08 UPDATE
Received this email today - thanks Linda!

Hi! Cathy.....I was a big Elvis Presley fan back in the days! Still am! I remember that NBC broadcast and watched it all. I bought a lot of Elvis Presley's records and posters of which I still have. After seeing the video, I dug them all out and took some pictures and will send them to you once I load them up to the computer. Brings back a lot of memories.

Linda Mustion

UPDATE 6/26/08
As promised, here's Linda's Elvis pics. Can't believe you still have all this memorabilia, Linda! Guess because I've moved so many times over the years, I never keep much. Thanks for sharing!

Hi! are the photos of my collection of Elvis records and posters that I dug out of my closet and took pictures of them. They are back in my closet and record shelf. I really did not scream or yell and go crazy over him like the other teenage girls did as I am not that type of person. I just enjoyed his great music and his movies of which I saw all of them. I remember I had worked all night and was in bed asleep when my mom came in and told me that Elvis had died. It sure was a shock!....................Linda Mustion

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