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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Be Sure to Vote!

Thanks Stuart for the reminder

My Scottie, Stuart McCleod, wants to remind everyone to get out and vote today!

ELECTION Day freebies abound for voters: Starbucks, Krispy Kreme, Ben & Jerry's for those who vote.

Starbucks: Giving away a free tall coffee to people with proof of voting (or a pledge of having voted).

Krispy Kreme: Giving away free star-shaped donuts with red, white and blue sprinkles (while supplies last) to people with an "I voted" sticker all day.

Ben & Jerry's: Giving away a free scoop in any flavor from 5pm to 8pm to anyone who says they voted.

Cathy Nicholls Coyle

--- end ---

And both Jeanne Barron Aikman ('67) and Pam Kirkwood ('64) sent this to me...

I doubt this will be my last political email but it might be....enjoyand don't forget to vote

;0) jeanne


This one you got to see.....this is just too cute not to share.

This one will put a smile on your face !!! When the screen goes blank, stay on and be sure to watch the very end !!!!!!!


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