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Thursday, November 6, 2008

New England Cruise Report from Donna Luce Neitman

Thanks Donna for the update and so sorry to hear of your injury!! I hope you heal quickly and totally.

Hi Cathy,

Just thought I'd drop you a line and share a few words and pic of the New England cruise I took with Cathy and John Coyle, Cathy's sisters Joan and twin Carol, their mom Katie, Joan's husband Don, my mom and brother Don (class of '70). Does that make sense?

Anyway there were 9 of us. We had a wonderful time sharing lots of laughs, food and drink. We left from New York and ended in Quebec.

On the third day into the cruise however I was in Bar Harbor, Maine shopping with my brother when I stepped off the curb to take a picture and did not see the man-hole cover set a couple of inches lower than the street and down I went fracturing my discal fibula (the little bone on the outside of the foot). The peramedics came and scooped me up off the street and took me to emergency. They put me in a splint cast and the rest of the cruise I was pushed around in a wheel chair. John was a real trouper!! I managed as best I could to keep my "spirits " up with a little help from a "Petite Sirah".

The picture was taken at the welcome aboard dinner. Standing in the back row is me Donna (Luce) Neitman, John Coyle, Cathy (Nicholls) Coyle, Don Dempsey (Joan's husband), my mom Joan Luce and my brother Don Luce. Seated is Carol (Nicholls) Lebrecht, Katie Nickolls and Joan (Nicholls) Dempsey.

Love reading all the stuff on the blog and would love for you to share this with our classmates.

Love from Spokane, burrrr, but I love it,


November 7, 2008 UPDATE
I asked for a photo showing the fall colors and Cathy Nicholls Coyle sent this beautiful one that was taken by her sister, Carol - thanks Twins!

Here is the photo I was telling you about in the park in Quebec City. Joan is sitting on the bench and I am standing in the park. Can you see us?

November 8, 2008 UPDATE
Carol Nicholls Lebrecht sent a few more photos of the trip - thanks Carol - looks like ya'll had a blast!

Hi Cathy,
My family went on a New England/Canada Cruise in October. Here we are leaving New York City for our 10 day journey.

We had a wonderful time with the Luce Family. Donna had tried to coax Cathy to go on this cruise for a year. We were so glad we did. They were wonderful company.

We went on the cruise to see the fall colors. We were told it was a hit and miss thing. They had been having a lot of rain so the colors were just coming out. Here is a picture of a street in Newport, Rhode Island with St Mary's Church in the background. This is where John F Kennedy and Jackie Bouvier were married in 1953.

This is the Paul Revere statue in Boston. You can barely see the old North Church peaking thru the trees in the background.

We went on a Victorian Walking tour and learned of the "Rusticators" or the famous and wealthy people who came to Bar Harbor to live the Rustic life and built cottages along the waterfront.

Here is some fall color in Bar Harbor, Maine. Donna didn't get to see much of Bar Harbor as she was at the emergency room getting her foot x-rayed.

We visited several ports in Canada. The most colorful was Quebec.

This is the beautiful Montmorency Park in Quebec.

It was a wonderful trip with family and friends. It wasn't long after we got home that my Mom was asking when we were going on the next cruise.


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