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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Veteran's Day Memorial Ceremony

Thanks Cathy and thanks Mike!!

Hey CP:
Yesterday at the Veteran's Day Ceremony at McCambridge Park I ran into Mike McDaniel, BHS Class of 74, and co-author of the Burbankia website.

He had a wonderful display of World War I uniforms.

He said that it was the first time ever for these uniforms to be displayed.

In July 1917, 177 Burbank men registered for the draft. In September, they reported to American Lake in Washington for training. Mike has found the names of 84 of those men. The list is posted below:

Since Burbank did not keep good records during this time, Mike is hoping that maybe one of our BHS alumni may know other names that he could add to this World War I Veterans list. If you do, please email your information to Mike McDaniel at

Cathy NIcholls Coyle

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