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Sunday, February 21, 2010

The 2009 Ceralbus is a NSPA Yearbook Pacemaker Finalist

Burbank High's 2009 yearbook (Editor in Chief: Gina Park), the Ceralbus - 100 Shades of Blue, made it to the finalist round in the National Pacemaker Award, an accomplishment that has never happened before in the history of Burbank High School. The winner will be announced in April 2010... CONGRATS BULLDOGS!

Feburary 9, 2010 PRESS RELEASE

2009 NSPA Yearbook Pacemaker Finalists Announced

View the finalists list

The 2009 NSPA Yearbook Pacemaker yielded a total of 425 entries, which represents an increase from the 2008 contest and a record total in recent years. A team of four judges with extensive yearbook and professional journalism experience traveled to Minneapolis in late January to make the selections.

All high school entries were divided into four proportionate categories based on total page count, and junior high books were judged separately in one category. Judges completed an initial elimination round and considered a number of factors as disqualifiers. These included illegal photo usage, along with a lack of the following: index, captions, body copy, book identification, colophon or identification of school.

After the elimination round, judges spent a day and a half selecting 52 high school yearbook finalists and six junior high finalists. An additional four junior high yearbooks were selected for special recognition.

The primary factors considered by the judging team included: concept/theme, complete coverage, excellent photography (with an emphasis on student work), effective design and strong writing and editing. Judges also considered books that pushed the envelope and experimented with design or concept, for example.

The Pacemaker winners will be announced for the first time at the Spring JEA/NSPA National High School Journalism Convention in Portland, April 15-18. Registration is now open online at

A video with comments from the judging team will be published soon.

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Previous Winners

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