Tell Us Your Story

Friday, February 5, 2010

Update on Pete Peterson

From today's Loop sent out by Pam and Jon Kirkwood '64, here is Linda's update on her dad:

Linda Peterson Everett '67 recently sent us an update on her Father, our beloved teacher and friend, "Mr. Pete Peterson"...

Mr. Peterson is doing quite well...although has a few memory issues (don't we all?) He loves reminiscing about his teaching days, students and coaching the sports teams at Burbank High...Linda and her hubby Bob Everett '64, visit Mr. P. several times a week at the home care facility where he resides.

If you would like to drop Mr. Peterson a note and maybe share some of your memories of him as your teacher or coach, we are sure Linda and Bob could print them out and take them to Mr. Peterson...He would probably LOVE hearing from his former students...

Send them to:

Back Row: Ray Turner (Tennis), Maurice Wiley (JV Football), Pete Peterson (B Basketball), Les Bruckner (Varsity Football), Roy Lockwood (Varsity Basketball). Front Row: Ray Trainer (Rifle Team), Bob Brewer ( B Football), Don McMurry ( Track & Cross Country), Richard "Dick" Minasian ( Baseball & Athletic Director). source

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