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Thursday, June 3, 2010

Burbank Parks and Rec

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Remember the Verdugo Park Dances? Look closely... you may see yourself in this photo from the 60's!

Found the above pic here:

The City of Burbank Park, Recreation and Community Services Department produced the publication in 2005 in celebration of the department's 80th anniversary. While reading through it, I noticed this on page 21:

"Ralph M. Foy Park was originally named Columbia Park and was dedicated in 1969. The park was later renamed Northwest Park in 1972. On October 2, 1979 the park was again renamed in honor of Ralph M. Foy. Foy served 42 years with the City of Burbank and 17 years as the Public Service Department General Manager. Tuttle Adult Center located in Foy Park was named in honor of Donald M. Tuttle. Tuttle was chairman of the Senior Citizen Board and dedicated 40 years of service to the community. In 1997, the Roller Hockey facility at Ralph M. Foy Park was dedicated."

So I emailed Dona Foy Bruckner (BHS '67) asking if this was her father and here is her reply:

"Yes, the Ralph Foy Park is named after my dad. he was also a member of the Burbank Symphony playing first the trumpet and then later the oboe. I remember going to many practices with him at McCambridge park so I could play while he rehearsed! also, did you go to the dances at Verdugo Park-I kind of forgot about them until I read this."


Just received word from Karen Lundigan Panich (BHS '67) that yes, a Burbank park (and a rose garden) was named after her father, Robert Lundigan!

The following is found on page 22 of the Parks Section (source):

Lundigan Park
In 1992, the City approved naming the former site of Ben Franklin School to Robert E. Lundigan Park. Lundigan was a Park and Recreation Board member for 10 years. He campaigned for the development of the Korean and Vietnam War Memorial at McCambridge Park, the development of Brace Canyon Park, and programs for disabled people in the community. The rose garden at the entrance to Brace Canyon Park was dedicated in his honor shortly after his death in 1990. Lundigan Park was dedicated October 10, 1992.

--- end ---

NOTE: On page 2 of the People Section (source), Octavia Lesueur who is known as 'Mother of Burbank Park's Movement' is mentioned and I haven't heard back yet from Dave LeSueur (BHS '67) if this is his relative.

Received this email from Dave LeSueur - thanks Dave!
Octavia is not my mother and is not related to us that we know of.


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