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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Mr. Regnal Hall 1926-2010

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More sad news... It was announced at the Senior Bulldog Luncheon Monday, December 6, 2010, that former BHS music teacher Regnal Hall passed away and there will be a memorial service in January 2011. Son Steve Hall said his dad passed away on November 27, 2010. Details to follow.

Please keep Mr Hall's family in your prayers.

Many of us enjoyed his classes. Here is the A Capella Choir photo from the 1966 Ceralbus yearbook.

click photo to enlarge

UPDATE from Alan Landros ('70):

I received details this morning from our classmate, Steve Hall, regarding the passing of his father, Regnal Hall. Mr. Hall was always one of the top one or two of our favorite teachers at BHS where he taught Music, Choir, Vocals for many, many years. Some of you may have seen this news on FaceBook in the last day or so. The information was posted on FB last Friday afternoon.

Mr. Regnal Hall passed away on Saturday, November 27, 2010, after a lengthy illness of several years. He was 83. He was born December 8, 1926. Tomorrow would have been his 84th birthday. His wife, Barbara Hall, passed away in August 2007. Here is the information for the Memorial Service for Regnal Hall:

Saturday, January 15, 2011
11:00 A. M.
St. Mark's Episcopal Church, Glendale
(corner of north Brand Blvd. and Doran St.)

There is also a 'Memorial Page' on FaceBook, with RSVP for the service. Also, friends/former students may wish to leave a message for Steve, Mark, and Leslie, Regnal's three children. Here is link: In search box at top of page put in "Memorial Service for Regnal Hall". When that comes up click on "Memorial Service for Regnal Hall" and all the details will show, along with place to RSVP.

Steve Hall came from his home in McMinnville, Oregon this past June for our Class of '70 40th reunion weekend. Steve and I first met in the same second grade class at Thomas Jefferson in 1959. Mark Hall is in the BHS '71 class, and his wife Janie Porco Hall is in the '73 class. Steve and Mark's sister, Leslie Hall Viera, is from a later 1970's BHS class.

Alan Landros

December 12, 2010 UPDATE

Here is Mr. Hall's obituary from Linda Mustion's wonderful memorial blog:

Regnal Hall, Burbank High School Music Teacher

Regnal Hall relocated to heaven on November 27, 2010, just short of the age of 84.

His career in music began with playing in the Navy band from 1944-46. He taught music in Burbank for 30 years as the instrumental teacher at Jordan Junior High School from 1952-57, and as the vocal teacher at Burbank High School from1958-82.

He was known for his creativity and his willingness to embrace diverse styles of music. He was the forerunner of the Show Choir genre by producing the Pop ‘n Rockananny series of shows that began in 1969 and continue to this day. He helped to establish the national Young Men in Harmony program with the first barbershop boys chorus in 1972. From renaissance madrigals to Broadway musicals, almost no genre escaped his attention. He was a greatly-loved teacher who had two yearbooks dedicated to him.

After “retiring” from BHS in 1983, he served as the orchestra contractor at Disney Studios until 1990. He started a chorus at Burbank’s continuation high school with Disney’s partnership. He also directed 3 different church choirs in Burbank and composed sacred music for St. Mark’s in Glendale for the better part of 4 decades.

He is survived by his sons Steve (McMinneville, OR), Mark (Auburn, CA), daughter Leslie (Santa Clarita, CA) and sister Joyce (Sherman Oaks, CA). His memorial and a reception luncheon will be hosted on Sat. Jan. 15th at 11am at St. Mark’s Episcopal church in Glendale, CA located at 1020 No. Brand Blvd.


  1. I had his music appreciation class in my senior year (1974); I liked that class a lot. He was a very understanding teacher and a very nice man. R.I.P.

  2. With assumed permission from Jeanne, I reprint a Classmates message - more poignant with today's sad news:

    From: Neal Hershenson
    To: Jeanne Barron
    Sent: August 20, 2006 02:47:02 AM
    Subject: Hi, from Neal !
    Dearest Jeanne,

    I just ran across your April, 2006 comment on Reginal Hall in the photo album section. I couldn't agree more and I paste my added comment below. How on Earth did you remember "Libbe Schwalba"? Are you some kind of savant? - just kidding. As you can see from my comment's closing some of the songs we sang are still stuck in my head 40 years (?) later. Can't wait to see everyone at next year's reunion - I do hope you'll be there.

    "Dropping Algebra 3 like a hot potato and having the luck to be accepted into Mr. Hall's Madrigal Choir at the suggestion/invitation of friends was a highlight of the musical background that is a broad brick in the foundation of my adult character. The warmth of the bonding within the group as we sang was palpable and the confidence gained in performing the occasional solo, duet or quartet was uplifting. As eventual President of the choir I was so proud, on public display, to introduce this band of brothers and sisters in which I so fervently believed. Reginal Hall led (sometimes pushed) us into that belief. My two daughters participated with distinction in the excellent Santa Monica School's music program all the way to high school graduation due to the early exposure to music that was natural in our home. Our first-born continues as a fledgling Mezzo-soprano (Living with an up-and-coming tenor - May you be blessed by the Frog and the Lily, the Sun and the Dove - Our Perfect Love, Mr. Hall."

    Affectionately yours,

    Neal Hershenson

  3. Comments from Facebook:

    "Mr. Hall was one of my favorite teachers. I had his classes 1964-1966. He helped me appreciate music and I still sing (to this day) some of the songs that he taught me. They have carried me through the joyful, as well as, the sad times during my life. They have given me much strength and happiness ... What a legacy to leave behind. God... Bless Mr. Hall's family and may they find comfort in the great influence he has left on so many students' lives. Rest in peace Mr. Hall....
    (Cathy Nicholls Coyle, BHS Class of 1967)"

    "I loved those singing days and have missed them immensely. I started singing karaoke with friends (yes, hate to admit to it) and realize the joy once again. I hope we can all come together in January in his honor. Life is all about the music!
    (Jeanne Barron Aikman, BHS Class 1967)"

    "This was such a great experience. I'm still singing and loving it. I guess you just can't shut up a song bird.
    (Sherri Giessinger Coleman, BHS Class 1967)"

    "Sherri that is so true! I was just thinking about how Mr. Hall shaped my life as a musician. I'm still accompanying 45 years later. I'm hoping I can get out there for his memorial. He was a wonderful person and an awesome teacher.
    (Marilyn Williams Peterson, BHS Class 67)"

  4. Carol Nicholls Lebrecht (BHS Class 1967) commented on Facebook:

    "I remember I didn't sing loud enough in Mr Hall's class one day so he made me go out in the hallway and sing a solo. 'Don't throw bouquets at me. Don't please my folks too much. Don't laugh at my jokes too much. People will say we're in love...........' Yes I remember it well.
    My condolences to Mr Hall's family. He was a great music teacher!"

  5. From Facebook:

    "I remember having a great time in Mr Halls Class. I loved the singing, mybe why I started a Production Co working with new artists, singer/song wrighters/bands.
    I was bummed when the Boys Dean would not let me keep it in my class schedule!"
    (David Colvin, BHS Class 1966)

    "You know, David, now that I think about it, singing has been a big part of my life over the years. When my children were teething, singing was the only thing that soothed them; after learning the guitar, I would sing and play at church and then on the streets when a missionary in Europe. Today, every morning I start with a song to the Lord. Yes, singing is a wonderful gift and Mr. Hall encouraged each of us!"
    (Cathy Palmer, BHS Class 1967)

  6. From Facebook:

    "Music is a big part of my life also, only that I love music, love to sing and it truly brightens up my day. I did take violin when I was in elementary school & needless to say I wasn't very good at it. LOL When I'm down visiting my granddaughters I teach them a few new songs and then when we are riding in the car I whistle a song and they guess which song I'm whistling. They love it!! One of the songs I taught them last visit was 'Sing a Song' by the Carpenters. It's amazing how fast they pick it up. My chorus days though we're with Mr. Young at John Muir. Sadly I was not in Mr. Hall's class in HS. My condolences to his family."
    (Donna Luce Neitman, BHS Class 1967)

  7. I posted a comment on Face book earlier. Just wanted to add here that singing in Mr. Hall’s girls’ Choir was one of my favorite memories of High School – class of ‘59. He was a wonderful teacher. Later I had the pleasure of having him as a director in my church choir, First Presbyterian Church on Olive. I think about those days of singing in High School and Church Choir and feel blessed to have had him as a teacher. By the way I’m still singing. I have sung in the church choir I belong to for 30 years. Someone in one of their post mention how singing is an important part of life, I could not agree more, to hold a little child in your arms and soothing them with a simple song is one of life’s great pleasures. Thank you, Mr. Hall for teaching us how important music is.

  8. He was not only my choir director at BHS, but also an integral part of our church choir at St. Jude's episcapal church on olive and sixth sy. Such a wonderful man, he shared his love of music with so many!
