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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Where Are They Now? Update from Ken Peterson, BHS '67

Received this wonderful email today and Ken said I could post it - Thanks Ken!

Dear Cathy,

It has been a long time since I corresponded with you, and I am writing now to thank you for your tireless efforts to keep our Class of '67 together. My wife, Linda, and I will attend the reunion and I am looking forward to it very much.

Do you happen to know if any of our classmates live in or near Portland, Oregon? If so, I would like to try to contact them. I retired from being a presiding judge in May, 2009, and moved to Portland where my son, daughter-in-law, and 6 year old grandson have lived for several years. It has been an interesting adventure, with considerable remodeling of our 80 year old tudor house, accompanied by a house fire that nearly destroyed it, and caused us to remodel a second time! I will attach a photo, so you can see the end result. The fire is starting to be a distant memory, fortunately. By the way, that gray sky is quite an anomaly, as it almost never rains here (right!).

I often ride my bike with an attached trailer bike to pick up my grandson at his school, and then back home. It is only about 8 miles round trip, so not a big deal, but at least I get a little exercise. I regret that my frequent bicycling efforts have done little to diminish my girth, but at least I am trying. I continue to work almost full time as a consultant, legal editor and writer, and home handyman when I am not in front of the computer. I have gotten pretty good at tracking down antique house parts and getting things to fit and work again. Linda continues to work full time, and our son, Ben, has joined her business, so I see him almost every day, along with his feisty young border collie, who aggravates and delights my dalmatian.

I look forward to seeing you at the reunion, and thanks again for all you do.

Ken Peterson

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