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Saturday, August 9, 2008

Bulldogs need our help...

Alan Landros

Received the following email from Pam & Jon Kirkwood today and am posting to spread the word...

Hi Loopers...
This is kind of an "Emergency Loop" as we have an opportunity here to really help out 2 fellow schoolmates...

Below is a letter from Blyden Loutensock '70 regarding a commitment he has made to donate a kidney to a dear friend Alan Landros '70, whom he has known since childhood...

After you read Blyden's letter, hopefully you will be able to help him, to help Alan...

It isn't enough that Blyden has offered this magnanimous gift to Alan, but he is also dealing with his own mountain of personal difficulties...

If you feel you can help, please send your check to:

Blyden Loutensock
1036 S. 290 West
Apt. C
Provo, Utah 84601-5994

Thanks Loopers...

You guys are the BEST!!!

Pam and Jon

Hi Pam;

I am coming to you for hopefully, some help!

About 3 years ago, Alan Landros '70 went on to full blown kidney dialysis because both of his kidney's had failed. He goes to dialysis Monday, Wednesday and Friday for about 4-5 hours each visit...such is his life. He has no family to help!!! To make a long story short...I started testing over a year ago with the Transplant Center, at the UCLA medical Center...and was found to be a match. I have had to undergo testing two different times, requiring me to come to Los Angeles to UCLA in preparation. We have now been given a green light and our surgery date has been set for September 24th at the new Ronald Reagan Transplant Center at which time I'll donate my left kidney to Alan. I have to be there for pre-surgery testing on the 22nd and must remain in Los Angeles until I'm cleared on October 3rd...about two weeks. I feel it's a small price to pay, in order to give Alan his life back!

Please know I've been quiet and discreet about this personally...I'm doing this to help a friend I've known since 5th grade...and not for the accolades! Through this process, I've had personal obstacles to fight through, including my dad's ( former BHS Varsity Basketball Coach Jack Loutensock) health and battle with bladder cancer and the necessity to find new employment! So much for my life's history...sorry!!!

The cost of the surgery for both of us is completely covered through Alan's Medicare Insurance. Several of Alan's friends have stepped forward to pay for the cost of my travel...and for hotel accommodations there during the time I'm not in the hospital but in recovery. Being in a new job, I have no sick leave or vacation...and although my company will gladly provide the time off for's without pay. Two weeks income for me is $1,500.00.

After talking with Alan, it was my idea to contact you. My thought was... as BHS Alumni, maybe if our other Loopers and BHS Alumni knew the circumstances...some might be willing to donate and help to cover my lost wages. If I had the money or resources...I'd do it myself..but personal circumstances ruined me and like most of the rest of America, right now I'm on a very tight income. If I can't solve this dilemma...the surgery may have to be put on hold!

There are many of our Loopers who know me and know Alan and I'm sure if they knew about this transplant, they are a caring group...and would probably happily come forward to help. If you'd like to talk with me more about this, my phone is 801-979-8282.


Blyden Loutensock

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