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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Burbank High Stuff

Received the following email and photo this morning from Carol Nicholls Lebrecht, I must say I'm always amazed how classmates have saved so much BHS memorabilia - skate keys, pins, the letter 'B' etc. I guess because I've moved a gazillion times over the years, 'stuff' gets tossed or lost in the process. I'm thankful to still have my yearbooks and my diaries. I didn't go to the BHS 70th anniversary but my oldest sister, Patty, did and she said is was GREAT! She bought me the book which I still have and her comments prompted me to want to attend the 100 anniversary next month. Thanks for the email Carol... see you SOON!

Hi Cathy,

The 100 year centennial for Burbank High School is drawing near. My sister Cathy is very excited to have you and I marching in the Centennial parade with her. Cathy has already bought our t-shirts and we will be making the blue drill team skirts this weekend.

Cathy called me a couple days ago and said that it popped into her head where her letter "B" from her drill team uniform might be. She went straight for where she thought it was before she could forget and there it was. I was talking on the phone with her tonight and had been thinking of where I might have placed my "B". I mean, we wouldn't be twins if we didn't have the same "B" from our drill team days at Burbank High on our skirts. I looked in my dresser drawer under a box of memoriabilia and out popped my "B" along with a Burbank Bulldog pin and the 70 year anniversary of Burbank High pin.

I was wondering if any one else remembers attending Burbank High School's 70 year anniversary. Maybe they can relate their recollection of it. I can't believe that it is 30 years later and we will be attending the 100 year anniversary. How many alumni from other schools can boast the same? With all the different activities going on I hope we will be able to attend them all. I missed the reunion last year and then heard how everyone had such a wonderful time. I know I will be anxious to see old friends and make new memories.

See you soon,

August 23, 2008 UPDATE
I just found my drill team pin, drill team gloves and senior key. Can you replace the last picture I gave you earlier with this one please.


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