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Thursday, August 21, 2008

Centennial Committee Mtg Update

Thanks Cathy for the great update!!

Hi CP: I attended the Centennial Committee Mtg. tonight. All the plans are coming together nicely. We are all getting anxious and excited about the whole Centennial Event. Dave Thomson has done an outstanding job of directing us through this entire process. He has literally given up over a year of his time and energy to make sure that every possible scenario has been addressed and no stone is left unturned.

Fred Cook, BHS Athletic Director, was telling us that our 1967 CIF Swimming Champs will be inducted into the First BHS Hall of Fame! He said that this will be the first time the four guys will have been together since graduation! They are flying in from: Washington, Louisiana, New Jersey and North Carolina to be honored on Friday, Sept. 12th at 6:00 pm. in the BHS Gym. It should be a heart gripping event to see all the honorees selected for this well deserved award.

There will be BHS students at the school that will be helping alumni to register on the Centennial website and will also be taking photos that can be downloaded onto the website as their "Now" photo. They will also be taking group shots for anyone that would like to be photographed.

There is so much going on that you really need to check out the BHS Centennial website to select which events you want to attend. You can find out all the information you want to know at:

Kim Fields (aka: Tootie) will be the Grand Marshall of the Parade that starts at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, Sept. 13th. The streets surrounding the school will be closed at 9:30 a.m. so be sure to get there earlier so you can get a parking spot!

Also of note is that on Sunday, Sept. 14th at 4:30 pm they have planned a "Closing Ceremony" that is sure to make you tear up while you listen to the Burbank High Alma Mater being sung; along with the release of white doves.

Don't forget the Class of 67's Sunday Breakfast starting at 8:00 a.m. at Joan and Freddie Ortega's. Come on! It's not that early! And, it will give you more time to visit before the Festivities begin at 11:00 a.m. on the Football field at BHS; with our own Anson Williams MC'ing the Festivities!

Can't you just feel the anticipation building by the minute??? Hope to see you all there!

Cathy Nicholls Coyle

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