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Sunday, November 30, 2008

It's a Small World!

Pam Kirkwood ('64) just forwarded this email from George Covin ('65) - thanks Pam!

Hi Pam And Jon,
While on our anniversary vacation (35th) in Carlsbad, CA over Thanksgiving week my wife and I went shopping in Carlsbad Village. My wife shopped, I watched.

After going through many shops I told my wife Shirley, lets go back to the hotel. She said just this last one. I said OK but I will just wait outside. Well after awhile I went in to find her. I started to talk to the sales person behind the counter. We were talking about how nice the weather is in Carlbad as a opposed to where she grew up. So I asked where that was and she said that she grew up in the San Fernando Valley. I asked where and she said Burbank. I then asked what school she went to. She said Burbank High class of '67. I couldn't believe it.

Her name is Leigh Rugee Crossen.

What are the odds. Amazing.

Take care,

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