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Sunday, December 5, 2010

Bob Holst (BHS '67) 1948-2010

Sad news, folks... just received word from twin brother, Tom, that Bob Holst passed tonight from kidney and liver failure.

Cathy Nicholls Coyle posted this note and photo on Facebook:

Just received the sad news that my friend Bob Holst has passed away. I feel blessed that I was part of his and his twin brother, Tom's, life. We shared many fun times together throughout high school and later at our high school reunions. I will always remember his great laugh and the way he always enjoyed and appreciated life. He was a friend to everyone he met. God Bless you and May you rest in peace my dear friend!

Last month, when word got out of seriousness of Bob's health, many pitched in to help satisfy his last desire: to see his two sons, Johnny and Eric. And from this came the BHS Angel Fund. Please CLICK HERE to read more and if on Facebook, CLICK HERE.

To see all blog posts on Bob and Tom Holst, please CLICK HERE and scroll down.

Bob will be greatly missed. Please keep the family in your prayers. We love you Tom, Claudia, Johnny and Eric.

Tom and Dorothy Holst
231 Quail Run Road
Venetia, PA 15367

724 941 2019 home
724 413 1426 cell

Tom's email:

Bob & Tom's mother:
Mrs Holst
3120 Sherwood Avenue
Apt 124
Modesto, CA 95350

Psalm 23
The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou [art] with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.


  1. Many are sending condolances via email and Facebook... here are a few:

    Carol Nicholls Lebrecht:
    What is there to say Bob? You stayed as long as you could before God took you home. We that are left behind will always remember that welcoming "Hi Sweety" and brillant smile. We that were so far away prayed for you eveyday for your comfort and to give Tom the strength to be there for all of us. We gave givingly so that you could have your last wish of seeing your two boys, Eric and John for your last birthday celebration. Now there is a Burbank High Angel Fund inspired in your name. What a legacy to leave behind from those of us that loved you. My condolences to Tom, Mrs Holst, Eric and John. And to you Bob in Heaven, smile on!

    Barbara Zelenay Pirtle:
    R.I.P. my friend..It was a pleasure knowing you since elementary school..My heart goes out to Tom, the boys and family. You will be truly missed but never forgotten...XOXO

    Cathy Nicholls Coyle:
    Our dear, dear friend Bob Holst has passed away. It was a valiant fight; but he lost his battle tonight. I will always remember his big smile & infectious laugh. We shared many fun times together and he was the type of guy that always made you feel special. God Bless you Bob and May you rest in peace. You were truly loved.. As shown by the enormous outpouring of love and donations to honor his last request to see his sons, Eric and John. Our prayers are now with his family.... Bob is now singing with the Angels...

    Love you Bob! May you rest in peace. Thank you for all the great times in high school and the High School reunions. I always loved your beautiful blonde hair, big smile, contagious laugh and the way you enjoyed life to the fullest... You touched so many lives with your vibrant personality. So glad I could be a part of your life. May God Bless Tom, Eric and John and the rest of Bob's family. Love to you all!!! Cathy C

    Vicki Peters Stigile:
    I am saddened to hear of an old High School Friend, Bob Holst, who passed away today. He will be greatly missed by his family and many friends. God bless you Bob, and your entire family.

    Linda Green Nicholson:
    Bob, you were so loved by many that you will be missed by family wishes all the Holst family good prayers and our condolences. I haven't known anyone else that would have put up such a fight..I'm not saying goodbye just so long for know and we will see each other again as everyone else in your life will...our love to the whole family...The Nicholson's (Linda Green)

    Donna Luce Neitmen:
    The last time I saw Bob was about 7 years or so ago. I was working in SF Valley and was getting lunch when I looked at the guy next to me in line & low & behold it was Bob. We would meet now & then for lunch & talk over old times. I know you are at peace now Bob & know that your soul is in the right place. I too remember your infectious laugh & smile. My prayers go out to your family & all your friends who will sorely miss you. See you at lunch some day!!!!!

  2. Diana Zieglar Larson:
    May he rest in peace.

    Carol Brown Baker:
    I remember when Bob and Tom would switch places in class, by crawling in and out without the teacher seeing them. Bob put up a good fight but unfortunately he lost the battle in the end. Our prayers go out to his family.

    Linda C Mustion:
    Sorry to learn of Bob's passing! The Holst's family is in my thoughts and prayers!

    Don Ray:
    What a sad day! My thoughts are with Tom and the entire Holst family.

    Guy Gingall:
    Goodbye my friend. I will always be mindful of our last conversation......

    Thanks go out to all of us that made Bob's last month one of his best. He was touched by the love we all showed him. I for one will never forget how and why we all rallied around the Holst Family. Guy

    Betty Worland:
    So very sad to hear about Bob's passing. My deep condolences to his family. I am honored to have known Bob and since elementary days, he was always fun to be around, always a twinke in his eye, planning his next antic. He knew I could never tell them apart and teased me constantly. I was fortunate to run into Bob in the 80's when he worked in Glendale. He was so full of life. God bless you Bob and rest in peace. Love your friend always, Betty.

    Cathy Palmer:
    Bob will be missed by many. Besides twin brother Tom, sons Johnny and Eric, please keep Bob's mother in your prayers during this very difficult time. May the Lord bless and comfort the family I pray.

  3. Duane Thaxton:
    It saddens me, and brings me closer to my own vulnerability and mortality, to hear that we lost Bob Holst.

    I recall sharing a few classes with Jim and Tim O’Dea, a few with Cathy and Carol Nicholls . . . but I don’t seem to recall the joy of hanging out with or attending classes with either Bob or Tom Holst . . . my loss. Bob “may” have attended a Math class I enjoyed during my senior year - Dr. Ansalone was our instructor. I recall Jim Grasse sat behind me and Rita Wayman in front of me . . . on the hall side of the classroom (downstairs in the science building???) and I think Bob Holst sat across the room, on the window side.

    Anyway, as I mentioned, perhaps because of my class schedules, my own shyness or perhaps my aloofness when it came to participating in school activities . . . I really never had the pleasure of really knowing Bob Holst – but, I am sadden by his passing and realize that in life it is important to be appreciated, to be loved, to be remembered.

    That thought brings me of a Michael Josephson commentary:

    “Years ago I heard a story of a dad named Paul who gave his young son a small chalkboard to practice writing on.

    One evening his son called out from the bedroom, “Dad, how do you spell best?”

    Paul answered him. Moments later, the boy hollered, “How do you spell kid?”

    Finally he asked, “How do you spell ever?”

    When the boy showed him what he’d written on the chalkboard, Paul expected to see “I’m the best kid ever.” Instead, the boy beamed as Paul read the message: “You’re the best dad a kid can ever have.”

    Paul recalled that as one of the best days of his life. In fact, he had to buy his son another chalkboard because he wanted to save this message forever and hang it on his wall. It’s still there.

    Feeling appreciated is enormously important to adults as well as children. So much so that we often don’t think enough about what we’d most like to be appreciated for.

    Being appreciated at work is a big deal. Who doesn’t want approval and respect from one’s boss and coworkers? Beyond the economic value of raises, promotions, and commendations, praise can be gratifying and motivating. That’s why good employers look for opportunities to acknowledge and thank employees for their contributions.

    Yet, as meaningful as work recognition is, if you could choose between winning your child’s “Best Mom/Dad a Kid Can Ever Have” award and being named “Best Employee,” which would you choose?

    The point is not to belittle the pursuit of approval in your business life but to remind you how much more meaningful it is to know you’re important to and appreciated by the people who love and need you the most. Your most important job in life is to be worthy of that appreciation.

    Being the “best ever” mom, dad, husband, wife, or friend – it doesn't get any better than that.

    Bob, I know you can hear me –

    You continue to have meaning in our lives.
    You will always be important to us.
    You will always be appreciated.
    You will always be loved.
    You will always be our friend, and Bob . . . .
    You will be missed.

  4. Judy Clews Esposito:
    Thank you sooo much Cathy....Truly so tragic and heartbreaking. I pray for his family and all that loved Bob. I write this with tears streaming down. Thank you for keeping us together !!! XOXO Judy

    Kathy Treloar Buzan:
    Sorry to hear this, sending condolences to his family.....he was a pleasure to know and a great friend, brother and Dad.....

    Michael Torres:
    Hi Cathy, I am sorry to hear about the passing of Bob Holst today. I am glad that I was able to be in contact with him and his brother Tom these past couple of months. I know how hard it is to lose a brother as I had lost mine a few years back. I will keep praying for Bob and Toms family as they deal through these sad times.
    Stay Blessed,

    Jim Stonehouse:
    I hope he didn't suffer. Thanks for the note. The family is in my prayers.

    Mary Ellen Hendricks Johnson:
    Sorry to hear about Bob. It was a long journey home for him.

  5. Very sad to hear that Bob Holst passed at such a young age. It is heartwarming to read all the wonderful comments and memories of a great guy and friend to many. George and I are praying for the families and friends, especially the Mom and the kids. It is hard to lose a loved one, at any age, any time. We pray for comfort and strength and to continue, as Bob would want them live, knowing that Bob is okay, and in a better place..
    Love, George and Christie Nicholls

  6. Bob was a part of my earliest memories and experiences at Jefferson Elementary. I'll always remember his warm, outgoing personality.

  7. Email from Mary Flavin Durrer (BHS Class 1967):

    I can't say anything some people can express, what they are feeling with words, some by writing but I can't get it out. The empathy for the family for the loss of a Father, Brother, Husband and friend to so many people.
    I didn't know them but knew them from school yet we can all say a prayer for his brother and sons. Death is never easy and we the living have to deal with the pain and do owe it to be there for each other.

  8. I've thought so much about the Holst Twins lately. We used to walk home together from Jefferson Elementary and called each other friends all through John Muir and BHS. I was so sorry to hear of Bob's passing. What a
    faithful brother Tom has always been.
    May the Lord bless you Tom and both of your famlies.

  9. Sherri, here's Tom's phone numbers. I know he'd love to hear from you!
    724 941-2019 h
    724 413-1426 c
