Tell Us Your Story

Monday, November 3, 2008

Marathon Results -- THANK YOU!!

1/4/09 UPDATE

Hi Cathy - I just wanted to thank you for your contribution to the MS Society in honor of my son running in the NYC Marathon. It was touching to read the donor list and see the names of so many Burbank High friends.


This weekend, Dave LeSueur's son, Carl, surpised his folks by running in the New York City Marathon. In the email he secretly sent out last week, Carl wrote, "This is a small way in which I hope to offer some support in return. He will probably think it is ironic that I am running to honor him. He never liked running: he brags about how he joined the high-jump team in high school and would lounge on the pads watching the rest of the track team run until they threw up."


Hey guys,

I just wanted to let you know, I finished the marathon and I spoke to my Mom and Dad yesterday. My Dad's first reaction was he was mystified how we reached all these people, and then he was extremely moved by the support. Thanks so much for your help!!

I have received messages from some of the individuals who donated and will organize those to forward them to my Dad tonight. I have included a list of the donors, because I thought it might be interesting for you to see how many of your classmates united in this cause! It was truly moving. The donations are still coming in, so the list is not final yet. (some are coming in by mail and a few people are still going to donate on line).

Thanks so much!!


Adam Rubin
Adam Lindsay
Adrienne Robinson
Alan Landros
Alan Singer
Amanda Berns
Amy Graves
Andrea Moxness
Becky Malm
Beverly Baker
Bill Seager
Bill Ditewig
Bill & Jerri Harvey
Blyden Loutensock
Bob, Carol, and David Ridge
Brent & Judy Harward
Brian Elkan
Brit Meyer
Carl LeSueur
Cathy Palmer
Christi Hays
Chuck Wilcken
Cindy Ford
Craig Smith
Danny LeSueur
David Billings
David Phinney
Deanna Jennings
Debbie Bell
Diana Bartlett
Duane Thaxton
Elaine Gibson
Erin Taylor
Fred Bennett
Fred Ortega
Greg Arend
James Flavin
Jamie Petersen
jeanne aikman
Jenny Babcock
Jim O'Dea
Joanne Yoffee Furer
joel zeitlin
John LeSueur
jon woolf
Joseph Bingham
Kathy Reeder
Kenneth Peterson
Lauren Petersen
Leslie Elkan
Linda Everett
Lloyd Richmond
mark pollock
Mark Ludwig
Mary Ogle
Matthew Solum
Melinda (Mindy) Green (Halls)
Michael MacCaskey
Mike and Barbara Regan
Nancy (Green) Curtiss
Nancy Mitchell-Palmer
Neal Hershenson
Noah Eyre
Offline Credit Card 5/2/2008
Pamela Roberts/Spang
Patricia Betbeze
Paul Dozier
Peggy Kroener
Pete Peterson
Pete & Chrissy Carlson
R. Bruce Lindsay
Richard Ludwig
Rob Ridge
Roger Baton
Samantha LeSueur
Seth Jenson
Shari Goodstein
Shelley McMurrin
Sherri Giessinger Coleman
Stephanie Matsumura
Stephanie Picconi
Stephanie and Jim Price
Steve LeSueur
Steven Ridge
Sue Wildrick-Steffen
Susan Gallant
Tamara Hall
Tim and Sally Bennett
Tracy Bentley
Tyler/Leilani Hacking
Vincent Goddard
William Larson
William McMurrin

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