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Sunday, February 22, 2009

Happy Birthday, Ron Wysocky!

During an email exchange with BHS class '67 grad Ron Wysocky, he let the cat out of the bag that TODAY he is joining the ranks of the elite by turning SIXTY years old.

Hope you and your wife have a fun time celebrating at the track - and don't loose your shorts, Ron!

I'm doing pretty well. Since it is Sunday already I can tell you that this is the day I am joining people like yourself and Don Ray by becoming another member of the BHS class of '67 that turns 60. For excitement I will be at Santa Anita Park in Arcadia (also known as The Great Race Place), where I will be trying my luck handicapping the throughbreds. It looks to be a good day weather-wise and with the backdrop of the San Gabriel mountains, it will be very picturesque.

I will be accompanied by Lynne, my wife of 26 1/2 years as she is doing much better in her recovery. On March 15 it will be 1 year that she has been home from Arizona. When our kids were in high school we were active in the band boosters of Azusa High School (1984-1990), and some of our fund-raising activities included 'A Day at the Races' at Santa Anita Park. That is when Lynne and I were introduced to the sport of throughbred horse racing so regardless of how I do in placing my bets, it is always fun. I'm taking Monday off from work to make it a 3 day weekend. So if you excuse me I have to make this short as I have to get back in the Daily Racing Form and continue doing some serious handicapping.

All the best...


Mayor Marv

And from the 40th reunion...

Ron Wysocky, Martha Youngquist, Deanna Lloyd, Tom Hurd and Andrea Moxness

2/26/09 UPDATE
This morning received this email from Ron and my reply follows:

From: Ron Wysocky
Subject: Thanks

Hey CP...

I thought I could sneak one past you about my birthday last Sunday, but I under-estimated you. You are good! As for the thoroughbreds, I started out pretty well cashing winning tickets on the first 4 races and then I hit a dry spell - like for the rest of the racing card. But then again so did plenty of other folks as it was announced prior to the last race that there would be no Pick 6 winner - correctly picking the winners of the last 6 races. If no one wins the Pick 6 it usually becomes known after the last race and not before. I don't remember seeing that happen before. But there is nothing to worry about as I didn't quit my day job and I had a good time anyway.

Keep up doing the great work you do with your web site keeping all of us connected.


From: Cathy Palmer

Sounds like you had a fun time, Ron. I've only been to the races once and it was on a date about 100 yrs ago (it seems - hahaa). And the guy took me to Santa Anita too! I remember very little of the whole event.

Horses and I have had some 'interesting' times... as a little girl at summer camp one time, I got on a horse (pony?) and the cowboy led us around in a circle while he held the reins - pretty safe, right? Well, it was my first time on a horse and wouldn't you know it, both the saddle and I ended up on the ground in a puff of dust! The cowboy came over and told me I needed to get up and get back in the saddle! So that was not the best intro to horses.

But later on, I used to go to Pickwick and ride horses in jr high and high school on occassion. (Do you remember a girl named Barbara Flasher? She had an older brother named Jeff. She and I would go horseback riding together sometimes - I've totally lost touch with her even before we graduated as her family moved I think to Encino or somewhere.) Anyway, one day I went by myself and got my favorite horse and decided to race it along a fence which had a sign saying "Do not race horses here". Smart, heh?? Well, again my saddle began to slide sideways and I fell into the fence, scrapping my hands. Some folks came by and helped me back. Oh brother.

The last time I went to Pickwick was as an adult with a friend one afternoon and the horse I had did NOT want to cooperate, but kept wanting to go back the barn. Finally, he rolled over to get me off him and I had to jump off to not get smashed!

*** sigh ***

So my horse adventures have not been the best. However, my sister in Scottsdale currently has a few horses including a wild mustang and they are pretty nice - she specializes in selling horse properties as a realtor and fights for horse owner rights in the city. Anyway, thanks for listening to my horse tales!

Hope you have a wonderful day, Ron,


PS Photos of horses I took last year:


  1. Don't I recall a Wysocky in the Class of 1974? Gary Wysocky? Brothers?

  2. Ron wasn't able to post his reply, so here it is. Note: Amazingly, Ron's brother Gary lives 30 minutes north of me - a small world indeed!


    Cathy Palmer sent me an email informing me of a question that was posted on the BHS class of '67 web site/blog recently.

    To answer your question I have 3 younger brothers that graduated from Burbank High School and Gary is the youngest and he did graduate in 1974. He is listed on the alumni list within the BHS web site (

    He resides in Santa Rosa California. Last November he was elected to the Santa Rosa city council. To follow his council activities you can go the web site of the Santa Rosa newspaper ( and perform a search on the name Wysocky. With the economic climate that we are experiencing, I wish him the best of luck in his council duties and tasks.

    Ron Wysocky
