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Sunday, July 12, 2009

Dave & Dawn's Alaskan Cruise

Received today the following email with photos from Dave and Dawn Moselle Hourigan '67 who just returned from Alaska. Thanks D & D for the update - it looks wonderful!

Sadly we had to come back from our cruise to Alaska where we celebrated our 40th anniversary. Can you believe that Dawn has put up with me for so long?

Alaska is breathtakingly beautiful!!

We had wonderful weather for all of the trip except for a 1 hour light rain in Bouchart Gardens in Victoria.

We visited Glacier Bay which has 4 glaciers that we saw. We were able to watch the "calving" of the glaciers. This is when the pieces of ice break off into the water. You have no doubt seen this in video clips dealing with global warming. However, this is a normal process, and is not related to "global warming". Glaciers move at the rate of about 8 feet a day. So when they get to the water they break off. (youtube of calving)

We also visited Juneau, where we went whale watching. The attached pictures show a "baby" humpback whale jumping and a group of 12 adult whales (20 tons each) engaging in "bubble net feeding". Google this. It is a very rare occurrence. The guide on our boat said she has only seen this 4 times in 8 years. While in Juneau we also visited Mendenhall Glacier (that is Mendenhall in the picture behind Dawn and I). (youtube of Humpback Whales Bubble Net Feeding)

Our cruise also stopped at Sitka Island, Ketchican and Victoria.

For those who have not yet been to Alaska, it is well worth it. The only bad thing about the trip was that it ended. Dawn has been in a severe state of PVTS (Post Vacation Traumatic Syndrome) since we got back home.

We will be able to remember our trip by looking at the 732 pictures that we took (thank goodness for digital cameras).


Dawn and Dave

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