Tell Us Your Story

Monday, December 31, 2007

School 1967 vs 2007

Linda Mustion send the following to me today. I didn't know if I should laugh or cry!

SCHOOL 1967 vs. 2007

Scenario: Jack goes quail hunting before school, pulls into school parking lot with shotgun in gun rack.

1967 - Vice principal comes over to look at Jack's shotgun. He goes to his car and gets his shotgun to show Jack.

2007 - School goes into lockdown, and FBI is called. Jack is hauled off to jail and never sees his truck or gun again. Counselors called in for traumatized students and teachers.


Scenario: Johnny and Mark get into a fistfight after school.

1967 - Crowd gathers. Mark wins. Johnny and Mark shake hands and end up best friends.

2007 - Police called. SWAT team arrives. Johnny and Mark are arrested and charged with assault. Both are expelled even though Johnny started it.


Scenario: Jeffrey won't be still in class, disrupts other students.

1967 - Jeffrey sent to office and given a good paddling by the principal. He returns to class, sits still, and does not disrupt class again.

2007 - Jeffrey is diagnosed with ADD and given huge doses of Ritalin. Becomes a zombie. School gets extra money from state because Jeffrey has a learning disability


Scenario: Billy breaks a window in his neighbor's car and his dad gives him a whipping with his belt.

1967 - Billy is more careful next time, grows up normal, goes to college, and becomes a successful businessman.

2007 - Billy's dad is arrested for child abuse. Billy is placed in foster care and joins a gang. State psychologist tells Billy's sister that she remembers being abused herself, and their dad goes to prison. Billy's mom has affair with psychologist.


Scenario: Mark gets a headache and takes some aspirin to school.

1967 - Mark shares aspirin with principal out on the smoking dock.

2007 - Police called. Mark is expelled from school for drug violations. Car is searched for drugs and weapons.


Scenario: Pedro fails high school English.

1967 - Pedro goes to summer school, passes English, goes to college.

2007 - Pedro's cause is taken up by state. Newspaper articles appear nationally explaining that teaching English as a requirement for graduation is racist. ACLU files class action lawsuit against state school system and Pedro's English teacher. English banned from core curriculum. Pedro is given a diploma anyway, but ends up mowing lawns for a living because he cannot speak English.


Scenario: Johnny takes apart leftover firecrackers from 4th of July, puts them in a model airplane paint bottle, and blows up a red ant bed.

1967 - Ants die.

2007 - Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, Homeland Security, and FBI called. Johnny is charged with domestic terrorism. The FBI investigates parents; siblings are removed from home; computers confiscated. Johnny's dad goes on a terror watch list and is never allowed to fly again.


Scenario: Johnny falls while running during recess and scrapes his knee. He is found crying by his teacher, Heather. Heather hugs him to comfort him.

1967 - In a short time, Johnny feels better and goes on playing.

2007 - Heather is accused of being a sexual predator and loses her job. She faces three years in state prison. Johnny undergoes five years of therapy.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

2008 Rose Bowl Parade

Remember driving to Pasadena on New Year's Eve to find a good place to watch the parade the next morning? And by the time it started, you were so exhausted from being up all night, you could hardly stay awake!

Please add your comments at the end of these posts - i.e. what do you remember?? How was 2007 for you? What adventures are you planning for 2008? What's new in the zoo for you, McGoo - lol!

Foreman and volunteer Burt Ballard, works on some of the main figures for the Burbank's 2008 Rose Parade Float Thursday

Burbank Ledger
Published Dec 28, 2007 - 22:34:17 PST

New Year’s float about to blossom

Crew is putting hours of work in to ensure that every flower, berry and accessory will be in place for the Rose Parade.

By Rachel Kane
As the new year nears, hundreds of volunteers are putting the final floral touches on Burbank’s Rose Parade float entry. This year’s float, titled “Oktoberfest,” will depict flute-playing squirrels and a merry German beer maiden serving a man in front of a cottage. It will also feature a live Oom-pa-pa band and dance troupe called Die Gemutlichen Schuhplattler, who have been instructing 20 people who will dance alongside and on the float during the parade.

But during Deco Week, the time from Christmas Eve until the night before New Year’s Day when people, flowers and foliage descend upon the decorating barn, it’s all about troubleshooting and time-consuming decorating.
This year’s team has their hands full.

“This is the tallest float we have ever built,” said John Hames, Burbank Tournament of Roses Assn. president.
The float raises and lowers on a hydraulics system but at its highest point is about 27 feet tall, with many movable parts and animated figures throughout. Float workers on Thursday made adjustments and hammered out the kinks in the movements of some of the doll figures that wave from the windows of the float’s cottage.

“They’re trying to lower the doll so that the doll pops out and waves, and right now, also, we’re busy decorating all over,” Hames said.
Nothing is ever final in the float-design game, and fine tuning is done up to the last minute. “You have to test everything out even if you think it’s going to work,” said Carol Cotter, decorations committee chairperson.

“It’s amazing how it was designed,” Cotter said. “It was a real challenge for them.”
Most of the dried items and some of the more than 26,000 flowers had been delivered to the float barn by then. Cocoa shavings, carnations, roses, chrysanthemums, cranberries and even cabbage have been incorporated into 2008’s design. Every detail of the float, from the trim on the cottage to the eyebrows of the beer maiden, must be covered in some form of vegetation or flower before it is judged Monday morning and hits the parade route Tuesday. But some parts of the design were more time-consuming than others. Robin Hanna spent an untold number of hours crocheting window curtains and dainty handkerchiefs from raffia, a kind of flexible straw-like material.

“I probably got about 12 hours work into one seat cover,” Hanna said.
Even with the volunteers and crew members working from 9 a.m. to a little past midnight most days, they are still cutting things close, said Steve Edward, design committee chairman for the Burbank Rose Float Assn.

On Thursday, the crew was behind in their work, but Edward was confident everything would come through.
“It’ll happen,” Edward said. “It’ll come together somehow. It’s all magic.”

--- end ---

Burbank's 1932 Float

--- end ---

And Cathy Nicholls Coyle just sent an email which listed a bunch of "REMEMBER THESE?" which you can enjoy seeing by clicking HERE!

Remember the trauma of loosing your skate key?

Remember Beenie and Cecil, the sea-sick sea serpent?

Remember "I Remember Mama" on television?

Remember doing the twist with your friends while listening to Chubby Checker on the radio?

Remember the name of your kindergarten teacher? Mine was Mrs. Winter at Miller - loved her and loved the class especially when I got to paint!

What do you remember? Post it in the comments below 'cuz we all want to know!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Friday, December 14, 2007

Jon and Pam Kirkwood's Looper Email for December 2007

Email Jon & Pam at to receive their Looper email!

Dee Dee Daugharty '66 and her Christmas Doxies

"Merry Christmas Loop"...

Greetings Loopers...

It's a chilly morning here in Loopland... 37 degrees as I type... As the old saying
goes, "There is frost on the pumpkin"... This "Loop" will be a short one, cause it is from me, Jon...

found out yesterday that she was chosen to be on a jury for a trial (downtown L.A.) that is to last for
at least, 21 days! So, she won't be having much time for writing the "Loop"... Guess you are stuck with me.

There are just a few things we need to tell you about, so that is what I will try to do. I think I will skip the usual "Departments" format and just jump into it...

First of all, several of you sent us your December Birthdays that we had not mentioned last time, because we didn't know about goes... Sorry
they aren't in order...I am not as organized as my wife is...Jim Barnfather '64 /Dec. 21, Bruce Williams '66/Dec.29, Joanne Knight James '65/Dec. 5, Chris Cullen Bartlett '68/Dec. 13, and Cathy Nicholls Coyle and Carol Nicholls Lebrecht '67/Dec. 1... Hope I didn't forget anyone, but we hope you all had or will have great Birthdays.

We also got a message from Janet Knight Morales '65 that Skip Higgins '64 was in terrible automobile accident the night before Thanksgiving on the road between Goldfield, Nevada and Tonopah, Nevada. Skip's car hit 3 horses who were standing in the middle of the dark highway (the horses are no longer with us), the roof of Skip's car was torn off and he ended up off the road...He was transported to Bishop Hospital and ended up with a badly broken right arm (he is right handed), he lost a little finger, he got a concussion and was pretty well banged up. Luckily, he is staying and recuperating with his brother and his wife in Reno. Skip's sister-in-law is a doctor and his girlfriend is a nurse... handy folks to have around at a time like this. He is thankful to be alive and would love to hear from any of you... Here is his cell phone and mailing info...

Skip's brother's address is:

571 Ridge St.
Reno, NV 89501

His home address:
PO Box #75
Goldfield, NV 89013

Phone 818 325-9131

He is a pretty tough Bulldog!

Pam says not to forget to Welcome some new Loopers...Okay, we will do that right now...

Carol Nicholls Lebrecht '67, George Nicholls '65, Christie Gibbs Nicholls '65, Jamie Barnett '65 and Christy Caleel Curtis '66. It is great to have you guys with us.

Oh, I almost forgot...The Burbank/Burroughs Picnic for 2008 will be on Saturday, June 28...Keep the date open...

Also, for you Christmas shoppers, Carole Wells Pane '63 has an unbeatable offer for all BHS alums...

Dear Pam,

Wow! Thanks for that great plug, Pam. I am so glad you and Jon are really enjoying the read. If anyone would like to purchase the book,CHASING SUNSETS, come by my house ((818) 729 - 1904, 536 East Birmingham Road) and it is half price - normally $24.95 from Amazon plus shipping or order it off of my website ( - saying you are from BHS, and I will send it to you for half price plus shipping. STEERING YOU STRAIGHT has the same deal, 1/2 off of the regular price of $14.95 to BHS alumni. The new book is also fun to read, not only giving practical advice for those who may dream of taking a journey like this, but also gives a light-hearted look at things you need to know to become a real cruiser. (Why do I sell it so cheaply - well, until Oprah calls me, I am not going to make serious money on this book, so in the meantime, why not let those who have a dream - enjoy this dream - besides this offer is for Burbank High School alumni - after all we are related!)

We really enjoy our speaking engagements. We do it alot. And, would be happy to do it whenever-where ever. Depending on the interest of the group we do stories and pictures around the world or technical stuff - how you too can do it. Yes, you can - I do not know how to sail and I get seasick and I did it. Even our boat is available to do it in - it sits right across from the CHEESCAKE FACTORY in Marina Del Rey - all equipped and ready to go. What better way to spend your retirement than seeing the world and getting to sleep in your own bed every night!

Thanks again, Pam. It was nice to see you and have an opportunity to sit down and talk.

Carole Wells Pane'63

Kathy Augustyn Frazer '64 has a really nice thing her students at Hoover High are doing and we can help...

Hoover is planning the Hands Across the Battlefield collection for the month of January and then to coordinate with Mickey dePalo a packing party in February probably at school. We focus on things that pack easily: tablet word games (crosswords, etc), dice, cards, hard candy, tooth paste, tooth brushes,floss, razors, writing tablets, pencils (and those little sharpeners!!), packages of envelopes...nothing aerosol or "leakable". The last time we did this we had 25 cases to bring to Mickey's!!!! We even had some elementary classes that included
drawings and homemade cards. Any Loopland teachers who care to do that? Each classroom has a big, handled brown paper bag ready to fill up. Loopland can certainly fill bags too! Once the collection is complete we will need to get Mickey the exact addresses of our soldiers to receive.

We have some sad news to tell you about. Maggie Pike Lewis '64 lost her dear Mom last week...Here is a little note from Maggie. I am sure you will all join Pam and I in keeping Maggie and her family in our prayers...





All of you who live in or are close to Loopland are welcome to join a group of us at Bob's Big Boy for a "post Christmas" get together with Peggy Melton Cyphers '65 (who will be in Loopland from Washington for the holidays),Gil Uribe '65, Dee Dee Daugharty Culotta '66 and AJ Culotta JBHS '64, Pam and I and hopefully, many others...We plan to get there around 7PM or if you get there earlier there are always the great hot rods to look at out in the parking lot...

Here is an update on Danny DeMonbrun '65 from Jim Greenfield '65...

Danny is out of hospital and at home. He must stay inside for a hundred days with no more than an hour outside and must wear a mask because of germs. Doc says are progressing well and he is confident things will be fine. He is talking about retirement possibly this year. He sounds good and very positive about the
entire situation.

Well, like I said, this is a short "Loop"...I am not that good at cutting and pasting, so...I am not going to put all of your letters on here this time.

Pam and I want to wish each and every one of you a very Merry Christmas now, cause chances are...I may not get another "Loop" done before Christmas...

Take care and have safe holidays...

Love, Pam and Mr. Loooper, Jon

PS Check out the picture of Dee Dee Daugharty '66 and her "Christmas Doxies"...

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Email from the daughter of Louise Trotta

Received a sweet email from Louise's daughter, Jennifer, which is also posted on the memorial page...


Hi Cathy,

My name is Jennifer and my mom is Louise Trotta, I was 3 years old when she passed away, I am now 34, married with two children. Even though I don’t know you, I just wanted to say hi and that the memorial page that you have set up is very nice and thoughtful.

Thank you,

Jennifer Fowler Kuhn

Hi Jennifer

Thank you so much for writing.

And I am so sorry you lost your mother at such a young age, Jennifer!

In school, I remember your mother being a very sweet person - fun loving with a warm smile and a cute laugh.

So how did you mother die, Jennifer? It must have been around 1976? She was so young! If you write a little paragraph, I can put in on the blog so her other friends can read it. Thanks again, Jennifer. Doing the memorial page was the hardest thing and I wept many tears that day...

May the Lord richly bless you and your family,


Hi Cathy,

Thanks for writing back. First of all I’d like to say that I have an older brother he was 6 and I was 3 when our mom passed away. He’s in the Coast Guard and is stationed in Cape Cod but will be transferred to New York next July. We grew up in Burbank ; we graduated from Bell-Jeff. I work in Property Management and raise my kids in Burbank ; they now go to Roosevelt Elementary, my son is 10 and my daughter is 7. Our Dad remarried about 20 years ago.

My mom died May 21, 1977; she somehow contacted encephalitis and got traumatic headaches the week before she died. They were so severe that by the time my family put her in the hospital, she that night went into a convulsion that put her in a coma. She was 28.

All the stories I’ve heard about my mom, everyone remembers her laugh.

I just told my dad about the memorial page and he thought it very nice of someone to have put that together, and I am sure you have wept many tears as I am right now writing this email. You never seem to get over the death of someone, especially someone so close to you. Even though I was only 3 and don’t have many memories of my mom, I still get sad.

Thank you and I hope you have a wonder Holiday !


Sunday, December 9, 2007

ELF FUN! (ends 1/2/08)

January 1949 Snow in Burbank (more pics here)

Wonder if Burbank will get any snow this year? Time will tell. In the meantime, here is something you may enjoy. Click THIS LINK and then go to THIS LINK and see if you recognize anyone - and it may take a few minutes to load but it is worth the wait!!

Holiday Cheers to ALL,


Saturday, December 1, 2007

Burbank High School Centennial Celebration

The following was provided to me by Dave Thomson back in September but I will update it if it changes:

Tentative Schedule of Events

THURSDAY, 9/11/08
3:00 – 8:00 PM (every ½ hour) Campus tours given by ASB/Key Club students
6:00 – 8:00 PM Barbeque dinner catered by Shawn Stevens in quad (confirmed by Elsie Jeffers)
7:00 PM Musical performances by current student groups – held in auditorium with video/audio feed to quad (screen set-up similar to recent JBHS VMA competition)
·1 Band/orchestra
·2 Choirs
·3 Dance

FRIDAY, 9/12/08
12:30 – 1:30 PM Trivia Contest at lunchtime in the quad (Bruce – MC?)
3:00 – 8:00 PM (every ½ hour) Campus tours given by ASB/Key Club students
5:30 – 7:30 PM Hall of Fame ceremony in gym
6:30 – 10:00 PM Dinner – something similar to Taste of Burbank, with local restaurants setting up booths throughout campus, including tents on baseball field; tables/chairs set up throughout campus
·1 Solicit participation of local restaurants with all food contributed at no charge
·2 Sell wristbands to identify who may be served
·3 Participating restaurants listed as sponsors in all publicity material – website, invitations, press releases
·4 Individual group sports (football, basketball, baseball, softball, volleyball etc. could set up specific areas for congregating)
·5 Place banners around the campus to signify where particular groups should meet

SATURDAY, 9/13/08
10:00 AM Parade
·1 Grand Marshall ideas: Debbie Reynolds, Anson Williams, Mitch Vogel
·2 Starting point – McCambridge Park; route will go down Amherst to Scott Road (right), right on Glenoaks and end at Burbank High
·3 Participants:
o Alumni band
o Alumni cheer
o Float or individual cars with past homecoming queens and kings
o Current band
o Current cheer
o Former teachers and administrators
o Former sports teams or Hall of Fame honorees from Friday night
o Oldest alumni
11:00 AM to 5:00 PM (every ½ hour) Campus tours given by ASB/Key Club students
11:00 AM Tailgate Party
·1 Use tents/tables/chairs on baseball field
·2 Catered barbeque (Bruce to ask Handy Market?)
1:00 PM Football Game
6:30 PM (cocktails);
7:30 PM (dinner) Gala
·1 Pickwick
·2 DJ
·3 Alumni groups (band, choir) to perform
·4 Era dress – 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, etc.
·5 Dance teacher, Myra Santini, to coordinate with DJ to lead in dances of the particular eras to encourage guest participation

Time TBD (Evening) Class of 1958 Reunion at Pickwick

SUNDAY, 9/14/08
Class '67 Breakfast at Fred and Joan (Nobile) Ortega's

11:00 AM Picnic at BHS, using tents/tables/chairs on baseball field
·1 Car show, possibly Road Kings, with cars grouped by era out on track
·2 Food provided by Kiwanis for Fun (confirmed)
·3 Invite participation from all other service groups in Burbank
o Rotary
o Kiwanis
o Elks
·4 Booths by decade – music, clothes, hairstyles, TV shows (editing project for video class – edit together clips of popular shows from each era and have continuous play of video at picnic at each booth
Time TBD (Evening) Class of 1968 Reunion at The Castaway

TBD Fashion Show during these four days or sometime during the centennial year
TBD Staff lunch/dinner

Friday, November 30, 2007

Madelaine Zelenay

Oh thank you, Madelaine, for the wonderful photos of Dona and Scott's wedding - a beautiful bride indeed with her handsome husband! And so good to hear from you as well. Cheers!


I was fortunate enough to be in town and attend Scott & Dona's wedding last Sunday. It was so lovely. I wanted to share these pictures of their special day.

One of these days I will have enough time to write about what I have been doing over the last 40 years.

In the meantime, I am thrilled you started the blog and so many of our class are now staying in touch.

Best, Madelaine (Zelenay) Whiteman

The Newlyweds! Mr. and Mrs. Scott Bruckner

Dona with Michael & Steve walking her down the aisle.

After the wedding Dona and Scott invited everyone over to their home for more celebrating.

Dona & Madelaine

2/4/08 UPDATE
Hi Cathy.

I read your blog today and you really are doing an amazing job of reuniting our class. It’s interesting to find out where our classmates have journeyed to over these past 40 years, even if I don’t remember them personally. I feel there is a bond that we all share growing up in the same place and time.

So just a quick update from me. I have been living in Telluride, Co. for the past 12 years. I came thinking it would be 2 or 3 years and my how the time has flown. I can remember how long the school year was and how short summer was as a kid, but today the days fly by. It is still hard to imagine that I have been out of high school for 40 years. I don’t feel that old. It just can’t be!

After living in California, I love the seasons here. And it is a majestically beautiful spot with huge mountain peaks watching over this small valley. Each season is unique with changing colors and activities. The colors are vibrant. I have been blessed to have lived in some beautiful locations. It is a small town though which can be a very challenging place to live full time. Our year round population is about 2,500.

I have been selling real estate here and more recently went back to school to get a Master’s degree in Psychology. In 2006/2007 I spent time in Palm Desert working in my new field as I finished the curriculum. I am getting close to finishing my thesis so I can finally graduate. I will most likely move back to So. California this spring to start something new.

I have stayed in touch with some of our classmates through the years seeing Patty Ellis, Marcia Johnson, Cathy Overman, and Dona Foy fairly regularly. I had dinner with Donna Luce, Freddy Ortega & Joan Noble when I was in California in November. My longest friendship, Maureen Shapiro (66) and I are still friends after 53 years. I also had the good fortune of living fairly close to Debbie Spaulding, and was blessed to spend time with her before she passed away, traveling with her and her husband to Thailand, Cambodia and Burma and spending many hours at their home in Santa Fe. Her daughter, Kendra, is graduating from nursing school in May and has invited me to her celebration.

All in all life is good and I am blessed.

I do like the memories evoked when I read the blog and listen to our music, the best ever!


Madelaine Zelenay Whiteman
Telluride Properties, Across from the Gondola

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Lynn Eklof Passed Away 9/27/07

Shari (Goodstein) Epstein just emailed to tell of the passing of another classmate and friend, Lynn (Eklof) Carey. I am grieved to hear this news but thank You Shari for telling us. May the family find comfort and hope from the Lord during this time of loss.




Hi Cathy,

On a very sad note Lynn Eklof passed away of breast cancer on September 27, 2007, in Oceanside, Ca.

Please make mention on you blog. Thank you.

Take care,

Shari Epstein

11/17/07 UPDATE
Thanks Linda for the link to Dignity Memorial (CLICK HERE) 

Lynn Denise (Eklof) Carey 
November 2, 1949 - September 27, 2007 
Lynn Denise Carey was born on November 2, 1949 in Illinois. She entered into rest on September 27, 2007. She is survived by her loving parents, Lars Gunnar Eklof and Dolores Eklof, of Oceanside, California, and a host of relatives and friends. Lynn will be truly missed... 
A service will be held on Thursday, October 4, 2007 at 1:00 pm at Eternal Hills Memorial Chapel in Oceanside, California. Ms. Carey's final resting place will be Eternal Hills Memorial Park in Oceanside, California. 
Lynn with her dad Lars

Lynn going to the prom with Vern Olson

Lynn and Harry's wedding


Friday, November 16, 2007

Update on Sally Vick Ball from Linda Mustion

Thanks Linda for the update and photo. Please keep up informed on the memorial for Sally.

Hi! Cathy......just wanted to let you know that I attended the Burbank Veterans Day Ceremony and Doris Vick, mother of our recently deceased classmate Sally Vick Ball was there. She is a WWII veteran and committee member.

I had the chance to speak with her and she told me that Sally went in for surgery for breast cancer and that there were problems and she passed away. They have not yet done an obit and that Sally will be cremated and private family services will be at Forest Lawn, Hollywood Hills with burial following.

They do hope to have a memorial service for Sally maybe in January. I gave her my card to contact me if they have the memorial service.

Also sitting next to her was Frank Bullock, father of our fellow classmate Bev Bullock. I am enclosing a picture of Frank Bullock and Doris Vick.


Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Class of '66 Fooball Players

Can you guess who's who?? Found this great pic at Burbank High Alumni and thought ya'll would enjoy it!
(l-r) Steve Gullion, Ray Yokum, Mel Barnes, Jim Bennett, Gil Uribe, Joseph Baldino. (front) Jim Davis & Ron Franzen - all class '66!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Sally Vick, BHS '67 (1948-2007)

11/9/07 UPDATE
Received this email from Linda Mustion today:

I emailed Pam Kirkwood yesterday trying to find out if Sally Vick was married and what her married name was and where she died. Pam Kirkwood forward my email to Dave Colvin and he sent me the following reply:

Hello Linda,
About Sally; her married name was Ball and she has a son named Morgan
(added: Morgan Lee Ball - dob Nov 5 1977) 
He lives mid-state some where in CA. Sally's parents still live in Burbank @ 818-845-5811,Doris and Bill Vick.
David Colvin

Today Pam Kirkwood (BHS 64) sent this email:

BHS Sad News... Just got this info from David Colvin '66...But in looking at the Ceralbus, I think she was in the class of '67... Pam

I heard from my Mother today that Sally Vick ('66) died on Monday from cancer I believe she said. She was 59 years old.

David Colvin


Sunday, November 4, 2007

Visiting Mark Pollock

Today Jeanne (Barron) Aikman, Marilyn Miller and I visited Mark Pollock and his lovely wife, Allison and surrounding their amazing home which they designed and built, are wonderful gardens and a vineyard which provides the grapes for Mark's Stoneheath Winery.

It was great seeing you, Mark!

Friday, November 2, 2007

Moments of Reason

Hi Cathy,

I had to respond to Tom Hurd's concerns about growing old and I find this a good lesson.

Hope you find it appropriate for your blog.


Jay Christopher Peterson

This is something special for people that are special..
I hope your speakers work...this is wonderful.

Thanks Chris!

To download and watch this PowerPoint Presentation, click
Moments of Reason.

May the beauty of our autumn years bring joy to those we love...

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Tom Hurd

Thanks so much for your heartwarming update. You put into words what many of us were also feeling before the reunion - the whole 'growing old' issue - HA! And what a beautiful family you have, Tom.


It was nice to chat with you for a few moments at the Sat night reunion event at the Sheraton. You look wonderful to be so old (just like me, but don't tell anyone)! OK, jokes over, we can get out of these old people costumes.

I've included a picture of the "Hurd" in 1992, "Hurd" in 1997, and Linda, Alex and me in 2006. I think we have a more recent picture of our entire immediate family, but I couldn't find it. We're living on opposite sides of the country from each other and the Florida kids may actually have it. I wasn't sure how long or short my narrative should be, but since I'm full of hot air, it's long! If you have to shorten it, so be it Cathy. Thanks for doing this for all of us BHS'ers.

I nearly didn't show up, as I actually became depressed about being so........old! My second daughter Stacia said, "Gee Dad, aren't you glad you skipped all those grades?" (as if to say very nicely that I'm not really old enough yet to be attending my 40 year high school reunion)! But after emailing back and forth with Deanna (Lloyd) Jennings and Andrea Moxness, I realized the folly of my thinking, ignored my depression, bought my ticket, and showed up. I'm ever so glad I did, as it was a great time for me to see many of our friends from BHS.

I haven't seen but just a very few classmates over the years, seeing most people only at these reunions. I've kept track of Alan Singer, living nearby in the SF Valley. Phil Anderegg has dropped off the radar, as well as Jim Thompson, who was a violinist with me, starting in the seventh grade at John Muir Jr. High orchestra with Mr. Manning, and then later on in the BHS orchestra during musical productions. Several other close friends have scattered as well.

Once, about nine years ago, my wife and I took our sons (two youngest of my "Hurd" of five kids) to England and stayed a few days with Sally (Edwards) Pawlik in her home near London. She was a great hostess, entertaining me with some great wine and company 'til 3:00a.m. the first night, reminiscing about many of you people from the BHS class of ’67, while showing the four of us Oxford, Cambridge, Blenheim Palace, etc. during the daytime!

At our reunion "confrontations," we are rather abruptly reminded of the passage of time, the ravages of the aging process. But, after only a few seconds of seeing each other again, we look past the wrinkles, scars, varicose veins, age spots, and chub, to see into the eyes of our great friends from our past! I really think it's a wonderful experience. Many of our classmates look great, you included, Cathy. It was nice seeing you and so many of our great friends that weekend in Sept.

Thanks for getting this going, Cathy. I thought "blog" was a four letter dirty word, only very recently learning what it meant! It still can be like a dirty word, if you don't post “nicely,” but at least now I know what it is!

My life in a nutshell: I've been a general dentist in my own practice in Lompoc, CA for 30 years. People do “life sentences” (that 30 year thing sounds like that to me) at the prison facilities ten miles away! I've been married twice, I have five children, with one still at home as a junior in high school. The two oldest (daughters) live in Florida near Daytona Beach, one son in Santa Barbara (on a boat in the harbor), another son at Cal Poly SLO, and last son at home as junior in high school. The kids are from age 32 down to 16 years, with the oldest and youngest having the same birthday. It was the least I could do to give them the same birthday as the age difference could otherwise tend to separate them! They have all been great kids, thanks to their mothers! My children are promising to turn out better than I did. My goodness, my mental challenges led to dentistry for heaven sakes. Nevertheless, dentistry has been good to me, it's still fun, but enough of a good thing already. I want to transition out of my practice over the next six or seven years and perhaps move our primary residence to Cambria, CA.

One of my dreams is to finish an airplane that I am building before I retire (after youngest, Alex, graduates from college in about six years). Though I've been displeased when I've unintentionally given free dentistry (when patients elect not to pay me), I'm looking forward, in my retirement, to giving away dental service to those who really need it! God willing, I plan to fly out of Paso Robles or SLO, CA, go all over North America, enjoying the great scenery along the way, and deliver my style of missionary dentistry (my choice who gets it free this time)!

I'm looking forward to the next time we BHS classmates can meet each other again. Life on earth is very short, so we better plan on tighter intervals between visits. Jeanne (Barron) Aikman’s mom recently told me that she and her classmates have taken wonderful trips and “cruises” together, which sounds great to me. I'm not an event planner, but I'm game to go if someone puts a good adventure together. Many people would need plenty of notice to plan for the time away and the money for the function, but it could be done. Got dreams?

I hope to see anyone attending the 100 year BHS celebration next fall.

Love to all you great BHS classmates.

Tom Hurd
805-733-0143 hm
805-736-6579 wk

P.S. Questions are seldom answered over the phone anymore, but by email instead. I've included my numbers anyway for your convenience if needed for any reason. I don't care if anyone gets my numbers, or email address, but I prefer no commercial sales attempts, as I have extreme sales resistance!!!! But if someone wants to "keep me" (i.e. retire me and send me money), that's OK. I'm open to that!

Bob and Tom Holst

I could never tell you guys apart! Okay, Bob is on the left and Tom is on the right... Yes??

Email to Cathy Nicholls from Bob Holst:

Hi Cathy:
I'm so glad to hear from you and I don't mind at all if you send the picture to Cathy Palmer. In fact, I'd rather have someone do it other than me cause I'm not as proficient at this as you and Carol.

Boy, those pic's of the fire were incredible. Please know that I have been praying for those people ever since I heard the news on T.V., and out of every tragedy comes a blessing. Don't worry, God is still in control!!!

Anyway, I sure like this computer stuff. I should have started it years ago, so please forgive my inefficiency. You still can teach an old dog some new tricks.

Keep in touch,

Here is Bob's photo taken at Seven Springs Lodge in Pittsburgh, PA.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Henny Porter

Below are more photos from the California fires some of which were sent in by Henny. We continue to pray for protection and safety.

Hi Cathy,

Thought you might like to share these pics of the fires in California. The photography is incredible.

Henny Porter Golnick

Dear God,
Please keep them safe.
Please keep their homes, pets, and families safe.
Please convince people that no house is worth their lives, and that they need to evacuate when asked.
Please keep people off their cell phones so the firefighters can use the lines.
God, please let them all be okay.

California wildfire overall statistics:
_Acreage: 505,279.
_Homes destroyed: 1,790.
_Deaths: Seven directly due to fire
_Injuries: 71 firefighters, 27 civilians.
_Evacuees: 4,403 people in 28 shelters.
_Firefighting cost: $9 million.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Fire Update

We are thankful to the Lord and taking a huge sigh of relief to hear that Cathy Nicholls Coyle and her family made it safely through the fires in southern California. Below is her email along with her daughter-in-law's email with photos.

Email from Cathy...

Hi Cathy:

We fared well during the Buckweed; Magic and Ranch Fires. Travis and his family spent two nights at our house because the flames came too close to their home and trailer (as you can see in the photos.)

Thanks for your prayers. I truly believe it helped!


P.S. My son, Travis, Melissa and our two grandchildren live in Castaic. Their fire was called the Ranch Fire. The fires located on either side of us were: The Magic Fire (located by Magic Mountain) and the Buckweed Fire (originating in Agua Dulce).

Email from Cathy's daughter-in-law...

I thought I would share some of the photos I took from the Ranch and Magic fires by my house over the past week. It was CRAZY!

This is what the Buckweed Fire looked like from the back of my house on Monday morning.....EEEEEK!!

This is looking at the Ranch Fire toward Hasley Canyon.... If you look closely, you can see the flames and the burned areas.

This is the Magic Fire... We were informed by the Sheriff to come and get our trailer from the Travel Village where it is stored... and this is what we got to see when we were picking up the trailer... TOO CLOSE!!!

We thank God for all the hard working fire fighters who saved our home and those of our friends and neighbors.

Melissa Coyle

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Jon and Pam Zipfel Kirkwood BHS '64

Jon and Pam Kirkwood have a wonderful email they send out which gives updated news on their classmates as well as other grads too. I asked Pam if she would tell us about "The Loop" and send a few pics which she did! Thanks so much, Pam and Jon!!

Hi Cathy...

That would be fun to appear on your Blog...Thank you so much...

As far as other links...I think you have most of them that I know of, already...Don Ray's blog, you have...Do you have Stan Lynch's Burbank Blog? or Wes Clark's blog about growing up in Burbank in the 50's "Avocado Memories"?

I was thinking too, that maybe you might want to mention the "Senior Bulldog Foundation" (if you haven't already). It is an alumni group (non profit) that meets on the first Monday of every month (unless it is a holiday, then it is the second Monday) at the Burbank Elks Lodge located at 2232 N. Hollywood Way in Burbank. It is an informal luncheon gathering...Lunch is $12 and the time is 11AM...Any BHS grad from any year is welcome. Once a year, the Senior Bulldogs give out several $1,000 scholarships to qualified BHS Seniors who are graduating and going on to college. These funds are collected strictly through donations...We hold no fund raisers.

The Senior Bulldogs also send out a monthly newsletter. Anyone interested in receiving the newsletter should contact Herb Vincent and provide their name (for girls he needs maiden and married name), mailing address, phone number, email address and the year you graduated.

Below, I have written a little about how the "Loop" started...

The "Loop" began in about 2003, when our BHS Class of '64 Reunion Committee was starting to plan our 40th Reunion. Some classmates wanted to hold it at the Queen Mary and have a rather "fancy" affair...Others of us preferred to have a more "casual" party at a Burbank venue. Having been from the same class of '64, Jon and I knew lots of classmates and we had email addresses for many of them. When writing them, we mentioned the dilemma about where we were going to hold the Reunion...A few sent back their preferences..We decided to poll everyone we could contact by email. Before we knew it, we had gathered quite a number of email addresses from our class, as others would send us contacts for people they had kept in touch with...We began to send out frequent messages to everyone, keeping them all abreast of how the Reunion Plans were progressing...Our mailing list grew and grew...

The "Loop" started to become a wonderful way to find missing classmates and to share the excitement leading up to our "Big Event". As it turned out, we had the biggest and best Reunion ever, with around 300 attending...Everyone seemed to appreciate the way the "Loop" had brought our class closer together...It was a more personal way to include people, especially those who had NEVER attended a Reunion and were apprehensive and needed re-assurance...Many asked if we were going to continue it...and so, we have...

Over a period of time, the "Loop" kind of "morphed" into what it is today...We opened it up to all the classes and we have become a huge "family". To date, we have nearly 500 classmates "Looping" with us...even a few from Burroughs! We share memories, nostalgia, photos, big events like the births of grandchildren, family weddings, retirements...We try to be a support group for those who are ill or who have suffered losses. We also try to keep everyone up on what is happening in "Loopland" a.k.a. Burbank and we have helped to "re-connect' many old friends who had lost each other over the years...

Hopefully, the "Loop" is a place our friends and classmates can go once a week or so, no matter where in the world they are... and feel like they are back home, where they grew up...

One other good thing that has resulted from all of this is that most all of the folks who "head up" the various BHS Class Reunions from each graduating class, are now in touch with each other...We help each other locate missing people and share information...Chances are, if anyone is looking for someone, between all of us, we usually can find the person.

If you are not already "Looping" with us and would like to... Just email us at We need to know your name (for girls, we need maiden name and married name), the year you graduated and your email address...There is no charge for this.

Thanks for the chance to tell your bloggers about our "Loop", Cathy...You are doing a FABULOUS job in helping to connect our very "special" group of BHS Classmates...

Pam Zipfel Kirkwood BHS '64 and Jon Kirkwood BHS '64

Monday, October 22, 2007

California Fires

Cathy Nicholls Coyle and her family are among many who live near these raging fires, so please keep them all in your prayers!

Hey Cathy:
Maybe you would like to put this City of Santa Clarita Emergency website on your blog:
City of Santa Clarita Fire Updates.

I have also attached a couple photos I took from our backyard of the Westridge/Stevenson's Ranch fire. It is located right next to Magic Mountain. It is about 2 miles from us. I hope it doesn't get any closer. There is also a fire in Canyon Country about 5 miles from us. We heard earlier this afternoon that there was a fire right next to the Odyssey Restaurant off of the 405 freeway.

Your friend,

A Local State of Emergency Has Been Declared for the City of Santa Clarita

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