Tell Us Your Story

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Email Updates

Received this today from Alan Landros ('70) who's helping with the BHS Centennial...

Hi Cathy,

I am on the planning committee for the BHS Centennial, and until this past week was the chairman of the "Alumni Connection / Class Contacts Committee". (Due to health problems this job turned out to be too much for me.) John and Cathy Coyle are on this committee, however I haven't met them in person yet. A couple of months ago Cathy gave me your blog address for the '67 class, and also your email address. She said since you are such an expert at all things internet, perhaps you could "guide" our committee on some of the internet tasks ahead. Since I'm not involved on that committee now I will let the others contact you when they need help. I know Dave Thomson, the BHS teacher who heads the entire Centennial planning, has your addresses.

Anyway, why I'm writing to you now is because I finally got a chance to look over most all of your '67 blog this afternoon, and I have two more names for your deceased list: Sue Magee and John Russell. I just sent in both those names to the 'In Memoriam' website, too, maintained by Rick Cresitelli. Also, the other day I had Rick move Brenda Riley from your '67 deceased list to the '66 list. I was the one who first sent in Brenda's name. When I went through your Ceralbus pictures on your blog I saw Brenda was not shown. So, I did some checking and found out she was in the '66 class. Sorry. Otherwise your deceased list is exactly the same as the 'In Memoriam' list, with the additions now of Sue Magee and John Russell.

I am in the BHS class of '70. My class has had a reunion every five years since we graduated in 1970. I have been on the reunion committee every time, and been the chairman for about half of the reunions. I love your blog, and I wish our class had something like it, but unfortunately I'm not the one to do it, since I don't have the expertise and know how that you do on the internet! While looking through your senior pictures and reunion pictures I discover/remember that I know or am acquainted with dozens of your classmates. And I see a lot of my classmates had a sibling in your class, too! (When I'm down in Burbank I see Steve Beninato's mother from time to time. I gave her all the info for your 40th reunion and she passed it along to him. I know he really enjoyed attending! I also checked with Shari Giessinger, but they had just moved to Gardnerville, NV, and thought it would be too soon to make a trip back down here.)

One last thing. I love your testimony for the Lord throughout the blog! He's a wonderful Lord, and I often wonder how the non-believer gets along without knowing Him!

With best wishes to you,
Alan Landros

P.S. If you are going to be able to come down for the Centennial then hopefully I'll get to meet you.

And received this last week...

How are you and how was the trip home? We really enjoyed our time with all of you and we hope we can see you again soon. I just read the blog for the first time and I wanted to tell you that it is truly a wonderful place to be. I smiled, laughed and became teary-eyed on a continum as I surveyed all the photos. I laughed and remembered as I viewed the happy pictures and was deeply saddened as I confronted the images of so many of our friends and classmates who have passed.It is obvious, Cathy, that you have invested an immense amount of time, effort and emotion in this Blog and you should be most proud of what you accomplished. As Bob Hope said, "thanks for the memories."...I wish you health and more successes.

Best Wishes,


Ronald G. Panich
Executive Vice President
BluePoint|energy inc.

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