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Friday, March 21, 2008

Alumni Drill Team Uniform

Hi All...........if you are interested in marching in the Burbank On Parade on April 26th let me know.

It would be a good time to learn the routine and to practice. Believe me when I say the routine is so simple you will find it a tad boring after a while. But we will look sharp.

Here is a photo of the skirt we have been wearing in the Burbank On Parade. It is a finger tip length circular skirt and very easy to make. This one was made out of 45" wide sailcloth or duckcloth (?) It was so long ago, I cannot remember.

We use white cellophane pompoms. I am not sure where you can get them, but I will make some inquiries. Fred Cook is selling centennial T-shirts, which we will wear with the skirt. You can call him 558-4700 ext 55901 or give me your size (sm, med, lg) and I will pick one up for you........

This is placed on the fold so there is only one seam with a zipper. The waste is a little tricky so practice on an old sheet or tissue paper. Call me if you have any questions....

Linda Durkee Johnson ('59)
818-843-8281 or

P.S. If you know of anyone who might be interested, please give them this information...thanks

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