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Thursday, March 13, 2008

Cathy Ferguson ('66)

Remember when Burbank High's Cathy Ferguson came home with TWO Olympic gold metals in 1964? And she was only 16 years old too!

Her brother John was in the '68 class and their sister, Patty, was in the '69 class. (I got things a bit mixed up and Patty straightened me out in the comment below - thanks Patty!)

This week I received a couple of emails from Tara, a current BHS student who is doing a report for school. I had her emails here, but was asked to remove them for now as her class is working on a special project for the Centennial. We will hear from Tara at a later date, so stay tuned!


  1. The Burbank High School-67 Blog was
    featured on the Burbank Public Library blog on 'Blogs on Parade'
    which featured local Burbank blogs.

  2. Hi,
    I am Cathy and John's sister from the class of 1969. My brother, John, graduated in 1968 not 1967. They are both great resources and amazing individuals (I know I'm bias, but it is really true). I think this whole centennial is creating amazing dialogue! So cool.
    Patty (Ferguson) Barton

  3. Oh cool that this blog is in the Burbank 'Blogs on Parade'!!

  4. Hi Patty ('69)!

    I remember you from BHS - you have the cutest smile!

    So glad you commented and showed me the correction on your brother!! Oops! I am thankful for all constructive criticism... I really need it doing this blog - lol!!


