Tell Us Your Story

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Here's the Scoop on the Alumni Drill Team

Former drill team members Shari Deuel, Dona Foy, Karen Lundigan, Leigh Rugee, Mary Brotsis, Patty Hardinghaus, Cathy Nicholls and Cathy Palmer at the 40th reunion

There will be a centennial meeting Wednesday, March 19th at the school library at 7:00. If you are interested in marching in the parade (Sat Sept 13th) come to the meeting to purchase a T-shirt as part of our drill team uniform.

If you are interested, then perhaps you will want to march in the Burbank On Parade (BACK TO THE 50's) scheduled for Saturday, April 26th. It will be a good practice and rehearsal for the centennial parade.

Please pass this information on to anyone else who might be interested!

Thank You,
Linda Durkee Johnson

Contact Joyce Rudolph at: or Linda Johnson at: to let them know if you are interested.

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